How to create a Customer Computed-Last Attribute

Use case:

You want to create an attribute that returns the name of the product visited by a customer - Last viewed product


You can follow these steps below in order to create a Customer Computed Attribute:

  1. Hover your mouse over Data (on the left hand side menu), then click Data Object and select Customer

2. Select Attributes on the left hand side, click + button, and then select Create new Attribute

3. At the Create a new attribute interface, choose Last - Computed Attribute Types

4. Configure computed attribute - Last viewed product:

  • General information:

    • Group attribute: Web Analytics History

    • Attribute name: Last viewed Product

    • Attribute internal code: last_viewed_product

    • Description: The product that the customer viewed the last time

  • Setting:

    • Time range: All time

    • Events: View product

    • Sources: Websites

    • Event attribute: Product >> Name

    • Display format: Raw string

  • Computation schedule:

    • Repeat by: Day, at 3:00 AM

    • Repeat every: 1 day

    • Start time: 06/10/2022

    • End time: On 13/10/2022 at 02:00 AM

  • Notification Setup: Notify when the computation fails by sending an Email and pushing a notification

The result of the attribute

Process status

You can find the process status, size, and more information about the Last viewed Product in the Attribute Data table

The returned value corresponding result of the computed attribute

You can find the value Last viewed Product of each customer in the Customer Data table

Last updated