
Create a new attribute

  1. Choose Attribute Types

  2. Input the neccessary information

  • General Information: The basic & descriptive information about the attribute

  • Setting

  • Data Type: The type of data to be recorded in the attribute

  • Display Format: The format that the data will be displayed. The format will depend on the chosen Data Type

  • Is required: Mark this attribute as required meaning in the data pushed to the BO, this attribute must have value, if not it will be rejected.

  • Personal Identifiable Information: Mark the attribute as PII and encrypt the data recorded in the data table. Only accounts having the decrypt permissions are able to decrypt it.

  • Enable Data Encryption: Encrypt the data in the attribute

  • Is Identity Attribute:

Attribute Types

NoAttribute Types Description Setting of attribute


Custom Attribute

The attribute in which data does not need to compute


Computed Attribute

The attribute in which data need to compute by the system


Event Counter

Count occurrences of an event



Aggregate functions include min, max, sum, and average. It is calculated based on values ​​of an event attribute


Most Frequent

Returns the most common value of an event attribute



Returns the first received value of an event attribute



Returns the last received value of an event attribute


Unique List

Stores a list of unique values of an event attribute


Unique List Count

Counts the number of elements in a unique list


Conversion Attribution

Finds winner of a conversion event using attribution models


Virtual Custom Function

Returns output of your custom function


Schedule Custom Function

Returns a scheduled-updated output of your custom function

Each Attribute type has particular information, go to a specific attribute type to see its setting

Attribute Action

Select at least one Attribute and click on Edit will show possible actions for the selected Attribute

Enable attribute

When enabling the attribute will change the state of the attribute to Enabled.

If within a specified time the attribute is not used anywhere, the state is changed to disabled

Disable attribute

Disabling the attribute changes the state of the attribute to Disabled. This will then block the input of the attribute. Attribute cannot be used in any function.

If, within a specified time, the attribute is not re-enabled, the attribute will automatically change its state to archived.

Archive attribute

When archive attribute will block all output and input of attribute. Then the attribute will not show up in any attribute selector list.

If within a specified time period, the attribute is not enabled, it will be deleted forever.


Restore archived attribute.

During recovery, the attribute's state can be changed to enabled or disabled.

Copy an attribute

CDP 365 allows you to make a copy of an attribute. This helps you quickly create a new attribute based on the original with flexible customize

Following the steps below to make a copy of an attribute:

  1. Select an attribute that you want to make a copy

  2. Customize the setting

For example, you have an attribute that is a list of keywords searched for 30 days. You need to create an attribute that is a list of keywords searched for 14 days; now you just make a copy and customize the date range instead of creating and setting whole attribute information

Edit an attribute setting

Following these steps:

1. Click the name of the attribute that you want to change information on the data table

2. Enter the changed information

Add attributes to a group

You can add attributes that have the same characteristic or usage to a group. See more about Groups

Display the newly created attribute on the Data table

To display the newly created attribute on the Data table, use the Modify Column utility

Attribute Computation Histories

View Attribute Computation Histories

Attribute Computation Histories Data table

It presents a data table containing information about attribute computation

  • Computation ID: Every time attribute is computed, it will have an ID

  • Name: name of the attribute

  • Attribute Type: type of the attribute

  • Computation trigger: Trigger by the user or Scheduled Update

  • Computation status: Status of the computation (Success, Computing, Unsuccess, Paused, Waiting)

  • Computation started on: the date and time that the computation starts

  • Computation ended on: the date and time that the computation ends

  • Computation duration (sec): The duration of computation (in seconds)

  • Computation output: Number of outputs that satisfy the condition after finishing computation

  • Error info: Error code that caused compute failed

Status of attribute

Use cases of Attribute

Last updated