October 2023



Dashboard & Journey Overview

This module & app is created to provide at-a-glance views of key performance indicators relevant to a particular objective or business process according to user’s demand. Users are able to choose any desired report to be displayed every time opening CDP 365.

Journey Overview

Email Notification one day before Segment or Data Flow reaches End Date

When a segment or a dataflow is about to reach the End date, an email will be sent to the owner before 1 day. The email content will include a list of Journey which is using this Segment to address the influences. This helps to remind users and allow them to make any necessary changes promptly.

Add multiple events when configuring Event Measure Field

In order to create an Event Measure Field which data comes from multiple events (eg: Conversion measurement field, etc), users are now able to select the desired number of events and adjust the source according to demand.

Line Message Templates

More message templates have been released to diversify the message used in marketing campaigns using Line App channel.

These templates include the combination of elements such as text, pictures, buttons in a specific order. This could create great engagement effects to targeted audiences.

Custom personalization tag

Users are now able to customize the personalized content in the marketing message. It could be calculated by using the measure function. Besides, users are able to determine the data type and format shown in the content.

Automatically add Template Name into Variant Name

In case it is hard to distinguish those templates having the same format but different content, the Template Name is now automatically filled in the Variant Name whenever the user chooses a template.

Line channel destination

CDP 365 now provides many message templates in the destination so users could decide which templates would later be used in Customer Journeys.

CC & BCC fields

Users are now able to send email marketing messages with CC and BCC mode.

Tik Tok Lead

Aside from Messenger and Facebook Lead, users are now able to take data from Tiktok Lead to CDP 365 in the real time.


Stay tuned for new features to be released next month

  • Zalo OA & ZNS Message Templates - Provide various built-in message templates to send via Zalo channel

  • Event Settings - Allow technical users to control the advanced configuration in running process

  • Remove Visitors - Clean up noisy data according to your demand

Last updated