Set up a "Segment" containing emails to be excluded before sending mail

1. Log into the CDP 365 system.

Hover your mouse over Profiles on the left hand side menu → Choose Segments

2. Click + button and select Customer/Visitor Segment

3. Fill in the necessary information for your segment

Update Segment:

  • If the email to be excluded is a fixed data set, you should select "Static segment - no update"

  • If the email to be excluded changes over time, you should select "Dynamic Segment - scheduled update"

"Member input method": Select "Matching file" option, then upload the file containing the email to exclude

Mapping email data in file with email attribute in CDP

Click Save button to finish creating a segment containing email to exclude

You can see more here: How to create segments?

6. Set up a journey to send mail that excludes emails in the segment you created above

Log into CDP 365 system, hover your mouse over Marketing on the left hand side menu.

We have 2 channels that supporting to send:

  • Email

  • Journey Orchestration

Click + button to create a journey.

Choose Start From Scratch

Click + button, choose the Scheduled Trigger node.

Add the segment containing the email to be exclude when sending the mail you created above.

Click"+ button to create the next note, add Destination node and select G Suite Email destination

Choose Design from Email Template

Fill out necessary information

and choose an email template in our Template Gallery, or create your own in My Template.

Click Save button to finish setting journey

After finishing the setting of the Journey, we can activate and send email to customer.

Last updated