September 2022

These are the features and improvements released during the month of Sept 2022


Media Template - Improvements to image block

  • Add Image URL

  • Add Input for edit height of image

  • Add unit (%, px, auto) for width of image and unit (px, auto) for height of image

Media Template - Allow to enter and display more than 2 digits in Countdown block

Marketing Hub - Promotion pool - Add "Unique Coupon" allocation configuration

For every: Audience Allocation (Default). You can add "Or every":

  1. Visitor (Default)

  2. Customer

  3. Email

  4. Phone

Example: If select "For Every" : "Audience Allocation" and add "Or every" : "Phone" => When allocating will check that the allocated object only needs to match 1 of 2 information (Visitor ID or Phone), it will not allocate new code.

Data Hub - Add Computation Schedule for the Computed Attribute

Data Hub - Support auto suggestion for attributes whose datatype is array

Marketing Hub - Customer Journey - Move the "Quick test" button to be on the same line as variant name

Send Journey ID, Campaign ID, Variant ID when tracking "Submit Lead" event

Email template (beta) & Media template - Add display format for Date field

Media template - Improve "Distance" algorithm

  • Add the operator: greater than in range, greater than or equal in range, less than in range, less than or equal in range, absolute distance in range

  • When selecting these operators will display 2 value lines to enter min and max values. It is not required that 2 lines must be the same value or the same %

Email template - Media template - Change default appearance of pop up Filter in BO Setting

Email template (beta) - Add the "subject" & "send as" default

All listing - Export - The default is csv instead of excel

Add "Select all" feature for search results

Marketing Hub - Add "Messenger" Destination

Dataflows - Datasource - Add "Facebook Messenger" connector

Marketing Hub - Add "Telerivet" Destination

Marketing Hub - Add "Klasik SMS" Destination

Marketing Hub - Add "Firebase Cloud Messaging" Destination

Remove required for Phone and Email fields in Caresoft Destination

Email template (beta) - Integrate new email templates into Journey

MediaTemplate - Add "UTM tracking" setting

Marketing Hub - Add "SMS LACHONG MEDIA" destination

Dataflows - Datasource - Add "CDP 365 Segment's Members" connector

Marketing Hub - Promotion pool - Add Journey ID, Variant name, Campaign name

Marketing Hub - Promotion code - Update status flow of Promotion code

  • Promotion code status

    • Available: promotion code has not been allocated to the campaign

    • Allocated: The promotion code has been allocated to the campaign, but the campaign has not confirmed that the code has been sent

    • Sent: The promotion code has been allocated to the campaign, and the campaign confirms that the code has been sent

    • Used: The promotion code has already been used by the user

  • Promotion code info - delivery status

    • Sent: Campaign has been sent but has not received a successful response

    • Delivered: Campaign sent and received a successful response

    • Fail: Campaign sent and received a response sent failed

  • NOTE: When resend code, update delivery status, do not change status code

Marketing Hub - Improve UI Include/ Exclude Audiences interface and Is member of filter interface

  • Remove drag & drop icon

  • Add Members infomation

Marketing Hub - Improve UI to Promotion Code Detail

Marketing Hub - Destination - Support Enter character when entering Content in some Variant sending message

Last updated