How to send Telegram message in CDP 365?

STEP 1 - Create Telegram destination

1. Log in to CDP 365. Hover your mouse over Settings. Choose Channel Integration.

2. Click + button and select Telegram

3. Destination Catalog: Choose Telegram

4. Fill in the necessary information for the destination

General Information

  • Destination Name

  • Description

Configure fields

The configuration of the Telegram destination has required these fields:

How to get your 'Access Token'?

  • Step 1: Navigate to your Telegram account and search the 'BotFather' account. The Bot provides your Access Token.

  • Step 2: Chat the '/start' keyword to start your conversation getting the Access Token with the Bot.

  • Step 3: Chat the '/newbot' keyword to create your new bot that has a unique Access Token.

  • Step 4: Name your bot with a not existing name.

  • Step 5: Get your Access Token.

Customer ID

Customer ID is the Telegram ID of a user who has chatted with your newly created bot.

Note: This Customer ID is different from the Customer ID existing in CDP 365.

General Setting

Frequency Capping

Frequency Capping settings allows users to limit the times an audiences receiving an email


Ignore duplicate messages for the scheduled journey

One audience just receive one email in an iteration of journey schedule

Limit frequency for the journey (3 months duration)

Limit allocation frequency to 1 audience in a journey for 3 months

(Ex: 2 times/person)

Limit frequency for destination

Limit allocation frequency to 1 audience per unit of time (hour, day, etc.)

(Ex: 3 times/month, 1 times/day)

Delivered rate

Delivered rate setting allows users to limit the number of email sent per second


As fast as possible

The maximum number of email sent per second will depend on the system possibility.

Limit send rate {x} time(s) per second

The number of email sent per second will be set by user.

(Ex: The value you set is 100. That means only 100 emails will be sent in 1 second)

4. Click Save

STEP 2 - Create a Customer Journey

1. Log into CDP 365 system. Hover your mouse over Marketing and go to All Channels menu.

2. Choose a Channel

We have 2 channels that supporting to send Telegram messages:

  • Telegram

  • Orchestration

3. Click + to create a Journey

4. Add and configure Destination node

  • Choose the method to design the message

  • Select the Telegram destination that you have created in Step 1

  • Fill out the necessary information.

5. Save and activate the Journey

  • Click Save to save the Journey

  • Click Activate to start running the Journey and sending Telegram messages to customers

Last updated