How to add new and update Customers to CDP

Use case:

You have a file data of Customer (stored as file .xlsx format) - file name is Customer, you want to add new customers (who have not existed ID in the CDP365) and update the information of customers (who existed ID in CDP) into the system


A file of Customers (file formats include: .csv, .xls, .xlsx)

Step 1. Click the Upload icon

Hover your mouse over Data, click Data Objects.

Then choose Customer

Click Data on the left hand side menu and find the Import icon on the top left.

Then filling the Upload settings.

Step 2. Click Browse in the Upload display

In the Upload settings, click Browse to select your local file.

Step 3. Select the file name - Customer from the Local

Select your local file want to be uploaded to CDP 365, then click Open.

Step 4. Select the Import type

After selecting the uploaded file, set the Import type.

For the Use case, please select the Add new & Update type.

  • Add new & Update: the type allows importing all data from your local file

  • Add new only: the type allows importing only new data from your local file that is not existing in CDP 365

  • Update only: the type allows importing data from your local file that is existing in CDP 365

  • Remove: the type allows removing data in CDP 365 that exists in your local file

5. Select the matching field in Required and Optional

Required field

  • The Customer ID (customer_id) field matches the ID column

  • The Name (name) field matches the Name column

Notes: if your uploaded file doesn't have the ID column, but you have an email address column or phone number column, then use it to map with the customer ID. First, please ensure either the email address or the phone number is the identifier of the customer ID. Second, ensure which hash method is used (MD5 or SHA-256).

For example, if the email address is the identifier of the customer ID and the hash method is MD5, then the mapping should be (image below)

Updated field

  • You can map the Customer attributes with the corresponding-value columns of your local file.

For example, you want to update the Email address from your local file into CDP 365 or add more customers in case their data doesn't exist in CDP 365. First, select the Import type: Add new & Update. Second, please follow the mapping of the Required file. Third, map the Email (email) attribute with the Email column from your local file.

Notes: please check the box Allow Null, if some customers in your local file miss the email addresses.

6. Click Save and find the process in Upload Histories

Click the Upload Histories to view the upload status

Or you can go to the Upload Histories to view the upload status.

Hover over the Settings, click Upload, then the Upload Histories will be shown on the screen.

Notes: record is a data row of your local file.

Last updated