Export Histories

The system will record every time you download a file in the Export Histories section. After 6 months since the end date of the downloading process, the files will be deleted from the system and users could not download it. The status of these files is “Expired”.

Export Histories Information

Export Histories shows a data table:

  • Export ID: ID of export

  • Export file: The full name of the file that you used to export

  • Export status: Status of the export process (In Process, Done, Failed)

  • Object: The name of the object whose data table is being exported

  • Exported rows: Number of rows of the exported file

  • Export started on: Export start date and time

  • Export ended on: Export end date and time

  • Export duration (sec): Export processing time (in seconds)

  • Exported by: Account who exported the data

  • Fail info: Information about the reason for the failed export

Downloading an exported file

Note: You can only download an exported file when its status is done

Last updated