Conversion Attribution

Conversion attribution helps you find which value of the attribute (it can be channels, events, campaigns, etc) lead to the conversion event

The Data Object whose setting is 'Treat as Conversion Object', will have the Conversion Attribution type

Conversion Attribution Configure

General Information

  • Object: the corresponding Object that you chose to create the attribute

  • Group attribute: Group contains attributes that have the same characteristic or usage. See more about Groups

  • Attribute type: type of attribute you chose to create

  • Attribute name: name of the attribute

  • Attribute internal code: code of the attribute

  • Description: information describes the attribute

Note: the attribute code does not allow prefixes: number_, sgmt_, aud_


  • Conversion event: the event that leads to conversion

  • Sources: sources that event is logged

  • Conversion condition: Condition that the conversion attribution attribute is computed. See more about Conditions

  • Look-back model: determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths. For example, the Last Interaction model in Analytics assigns 100% credit to the final touchpoints (i.e., clicks) that immediately precede sales or conversions. In contrast, the First Interaction model assigns 100% credit to touchpoints that initiate conversion paths

    • First touchpoint: the first touchpoint occurring before conversion

    • Last touchpoint: the last touchpoint occurring before conversion

    • Last Non-direct touch: the touch point occurring most recently (the point before the last touchpoint) before conversion

  • Look-back window: The time window used to look back from the conversion event to determine which touchpoint will be credited to the conversion

  • Look-back event: the event lead to conversion

  • Look-back source: sources that the data is logged lead to conversion

  • Look-back attribute: attributes of Data objects lead to conversion

  • Display Format: the displayed value of the attribute. See more about Display Format

  • Look-back condition: Advanced conditions of look-back event

  • Attribute usage setting:

    • Auto suggestion: use this option if you want to use this attribute suggested in filters

    • Enable Data Encryption: mark data encoding for this attribute


  • The display format is corresponding with the selected event and event attribute

  • You can edit the display format by clicking in the Display format field when the data type is Number or Date time

Computation schedule

The schedule that the attribute is computed

See more about the Computation Schedule

Notification Setup

  • Account: set up account(s) receiving notification

  • Notify options: the notification can be sent by email or pushed notification when the computation completes success or fail

Example: Find the last Campaign ID which showed an SMS Ad that lead the customer to make a transaction in the last 7 days

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