Email Template

Create a new Email Template

You can create a new Email Template by designing in Blank Template or selecting an available Templates

Blank Template

Following the steps below to create a Blank Template

  1. Click Blank Template

  2. Enter the Email Template name

  3. Design the template

  4. Click Save

Email Template

  1. Hover the desired template and click Use Template

2. Customize the template (if needed)

3. Click Save

Template types include Popup, Floating Bar, Fullscreen, Inline, Slide-in, and Gamified

Design view

There are 4 parts in the Design view:

  • Control Toolbar: the actions that you can do in the design

  • Settings: you can add blocks to your campaign, and the configuration settings are available for the template or individual elements as you customize the design

  • Layers: You can see components of the template

  • Live Preview: In the live preview area, you can point-and-click any area you’ve added blocks so that you can edit the content of your campaigns.

Last updated