How to create a Dynamic Segment

Use case:

I want to create a segment in which the customers have viewed products of Men at least 1 time in the last 30 days and compute it 6 times


2. Configure Segment:

2.1. Audience Name: Customer viewed Men Product in the last 30 days

2.2. Update Segment: Dynamic Segment - scheduled update

2.3. Member input method: Conditions

2.4. Include people that: click Add condition, select Perform event, and choose Event Counter

  • Select event: View product

    Condition: greater than 1 (times)

  • In any source of: Websites

  • Where: Product>>product.cate_l1

    Condition: match any of Men

  • Time range: Last 30 days

2.5. Segment Member: No limit

2.6. Computation Schedule:

  • Repeat by: day at 03:00 AM

  • Repeat every 1 day

  • Start time: 02/08/2024

  • End time: after 6 occurrences

2.7. Notification Setup: Notify when the computation fails by sending an Email and pushing a notification

2.8. Forecast (optional)

You can preview a sample of users in this audience by clicking Forecast on the right of the screen

The Forecast is:

3. Click Save

The result of Segment Computation

Computation Status

You can check the Computation Status of the Customer viewed Men Product in the last 30 days in the data table of the Computation History tab

Segment information

You can find detailed information about the Segment by clicking Segment name - Customer viewed Men Product in the last 30 days

Last updated