January 2022

These are the features and improvements released during the month of January 2022


Add BO Promotion Code

BO Promotion code is opened to expand user’s demand.

Example: The need to add attributes for promotion codes to use in campaigns

BO Promotion code includes 4 tabs: Data Table, Attribute, Groups, Settings. Note: no Collection tab.

Data table:

  • Data table supports action: Filter, Search, Modify column, Search go to (Promotion Code), Export. Not support selection action yet.

  • When searching go to, filter will be applied at the Data table by promotion code

  • When clicking on Pool ID in the Data table, All promotion pools will be displayed with a filter by pool id.


Attribute supports action:

  • Filter

  • Search

  • Modify column

  • Search go to (Attribute name)

  • Selection action:

    • Make a copy

    • Change assign group Create attribute


Support action similar to other BOs


SDK: status disabled, not allow to change

Relative feature

Add Promotion code attribute for Add Personalization

SQL Workspace

Add “Analysis” parent menu, including 3 submenus:

  • SQL Workspace

  • Data Explorer

  • Schedule Query

Left panel:

  1. List of Business Objects tables

  2. List of Event tables corresponding to Source

  3. List of Analytic tables created by (6)

  4. Clicking on table will open table detail Tab

  5. Hover on table will show Ellipsis, clicking on Ellipsis will show 3 actions: Open, Query, Delete (Only show when it is an analytic table)

  6. Add analytic table button. Clicking on will open create analytic table popup

Table details: List of columns are attributes of BO/Event

Create analytic table:

  • Add field: Add columns to analytic table

Query Editor: Input query

Query result: After user input query and clicking on Run button

Save Queries: Listing Saved queries

Explore Data: The same Explorer project, Available fields and Data are columns of Query Result (Only enable Expore data button when successfully run query)

Save result: Save data from Query result to Analytic table (Only enable Expore data button when successfully run query)

  • Select Analytic table to Save result

  • Mapping columns of Query result with selected Analytic table

  • Write mode: Methods of processing and storing data

Schedule: Set up a schedule to execute the query and save results into the Analytics table (Only enable Expore data button when successfully run query)

  • (1) Schedule name

  • (2) Select Analytic table to Save result after execute query

  • (3) Mapping columns of Query result with selected Analytic table

  • (4) Write mode: Methods of processing and storing data

  • (5) Set up a schedule to execute the query and save results into the Analytics table

  • (6) Send email/notification after the schedule runs completely

Schedule query: List of created Schedule Query

Run history:


The promotion pool allows to adjust the allocation restriction type after creating a new one

Last updated