SQL Server


Use data on SQL Server as Data Source of CDP 365 by choosing SQL Server Connector. How to Create datasource

Connect step

1. Database Authentication

After selecting the connector, SQL Server will display the datasource creation interface as shown below.

Authentication information for SQL Server Database includes:

  • Host Name or IP: host name or IP server. Required.

  • Port: Port sever. Number only. Required

  • DB name: Database name. Required.

  • Username: Username to login. Required.

  • Password: Password to login. Required.

Fill out the information completely. Click the Authenticate button to authenticate.

2. Select access object

The successful authentication interface is displayed as shown below. Select the object you want to connect to get information. Includes options: Table, View, Custom Query.


  • Clicking on the table item will show a list of tables that the authentication login account has access to.

  • Clicking on the table want to create datasource


  • Clicking on the View item will show a list of view that the authentication login account has access to.

  • Clicking on the table want to create datasource

Custom Query

  • Use the command to retrieve the desired data set. Only Select statements are allowed. Allow query input note: -- or /* */

  • Enter a query to create a dataset.

3. Click on Connect

After selecting the object, click the connect button to create the datasource

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