Set up Event Tracking code to track events into CDP


Add this script to the header tag of all the website pages that you want to track events (similar to what you have done with Google Analytics JS or Facebook Pixel JS.)


<!-- ANTSOMI SDK Analytics script -->
<script type = "text/javascript" >
   var _portalId = "PORTAL_ID"; // Your Portal ID 
   var _propId = "PROPERTY_ID"; // Your Website Property ID
(function() {
    var w = window;
    if (w.web_event) return;
    var a = window.web_event = function() {
    a.propId = _propId;
    a.track = a;
    a.queue = [];
    var e = document.createElement("script");
    e.type = "text/javascript", e.async = !0, e.src = "//";
    var t = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t)
})(); </script>
<!-- End of ANTSOMI SDK Analytics script -->

How to get Main Script in CDP

  1. Log into the CDP 365 system. After logging in, look at the menu on the left hand side.

  2. Hover your mouse over Data → Choose Event Sources

3. Select Websites Source, then go to Setting tab. You will see Main Script


NoEventDimensionEvent TypeRequiredTrigger


Pageview / setPageConfig

  • page_type

  • page_category



  • Default by SDK

  • Add to head tag all pages

  • set _cdp365Analytics


Product View

  • item: product



​Page loaded, User viewed a product details


Add to cart

  • item: product



User added a product to their shopping cart


Remove from Cart

  • item: product



User removed a product to their shopping cart


Cart view

  • item: product



The user viewed their shopping cart


Cart checkout

  • item: product



User-initiated the order process (a transaction is created)



  • item: product



User purchased and completed the order on the thank you page


Product Search

  • item: product



User searched for products by keyword


User sign-In

User signed successful


User sign-Up

User signed successful


1. Pageview / setPageConfig:

  var _cdp365Analytics = {
  first_party_domain: "",
       page: {"page_type": "Home",
             "page_category": "Home"

Code sample:

Event trigger: Page loaded and add to head tag all pages

2. Product category page:

  • page_type : Fixed value to "category" (required)

  • page_category : The current category name. (required)

  • items: Top 5 highlight products (required)

Sample code tracking for the category page

  var _cdp365Analytics = {
 first_party_domain: "",
       page: {"page_type": "category",
             "page_category": "Men"
	 items: [{
            "name":"áo thun nam",
            "size": "39"
            "color": "black"
            "name":"áo thun nam",
            "size": "39"
            "color": "black"
  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

3. Product detail page + product view

page_type: Fixed value to "product_detail" (required)

page_category: The current category name of the product that you are viewing. (required)

items: The product detail (required)

Sample code tracking for the Product detail page + product view

  var _cdp365Analytics = {
 first_party_domain: "",
       page: {"page_type": "product_detail",
             "page_category": "Men"
	 items: [{
            "name":"áo thun nam",
            "size": "39"
            "color": "black"
            track: [['product', 'view']]
  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

4. Cart page + Cart view

User viewed product shopping cart

  • page_type : Fixed value to "cart" (required)

  • page_category : Fixed value to "cart" (required)

Sample code tracking for the category page

 var _cdp365Analytics = {
 first_party_domain: "",
       page: {"page_type": "cart",
             "page_category": "cart"
	 items: [{
      "name":"áo thun nam",
      "size": "39"
      "color": "black"
      "name":"áo thun nam",
      "size": "39"
      "color": "black"
	 track: [['product', 'view_cart']]		
  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

5. Product search results page + product search events

  • page_type : Fixed value to "search" (required)

  • page_category : Fixed value to "search results" (required)

  • src_search_term: Search text keyword. (required)

  • Items: (required)

    • id : Product SKU , differentiate by Variant size

  var _cdp365Analytics = {
  first_party_domain: "",
	 page: {"page_type": "search", "page_category": "search results"},
	items: [{
		"name":"áo thun nam xanh",
		"size": "39"
                "color": "black"
		"name":"áo thun nam đen",
		"size": "39"
                "color": "black"
	  track: [['browsing', 'product_search' , {extra: {"src_search_term": "áo thun"}}]]		
  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

6. Thank you page + purchase event

  • page_type : Fixed value to "checkout" (required)

  • page_category : Fixed value to "thank_you" (required)

  • customer_id : will be the primary key in CDP. (required)

    • Example : MD5(phone_number), md5(email_address), …, etc

  • quantity: Product quantity (required)

  • is_web: Fixed value is true (required)

  • payment_method: an option of values 'OTC' ,…, etc (required)

  • Items: (required)

    • id : Product SKU , differentiate by Variant size

  var _cdp365Analytics = {
 first_party_domain: "",
	 page: {"page_type": "checkout", "page_category": "thank_you"},
	 items: [{
            "name":"áo thun nam xanh",
            "size": "39"
            "color": "black"
            "name":"áo thun nam xanh",
            "size": "39"
            "color": "black"
     extra: {
        order_id: "XXX",
        revenue: 100000.0,
        discount_amount: 0.0,
        voucher_code: "YYYY",
        customer_id: "73271090fe10d41bf93c55765376", // md5(phone)
        identify_event: "Purchase",
        customer_name: "Barack Obama",
        email: "obama", 
        phone: "09123123123",
        is_web: true, 
        purchase_time: "2021-09-13 23:50:00",
        payment_method: 'OTC'
    track: [['product', 'purchase']]	

  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

7. Add to cart

Items: (required)

  • id : Product SKU , differentiate by Variant size

   $( "#ADD_TO_CART_BUTTON" ).click(function( event ) {
      web_event.track('product', 'add_to_cart', {
  items: [{
   "name":"áo thun nam xanh",
   "size": "39"
   "color": "black"
  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

8. Remove from cart

  • type: "product". fix this value (required)

  • Items: (required)

    • id : Product SKU , differentiate by Variant size

   $( "#REMOVE_CART_BUTTON" ).click(function( event ) {
 web_event.track('product', 'remove_cart', {
   items: [{
        type: "product",
              id: "10211124", // product_sku ( variant_id)
        quantity: 1

9. Cart checkout

  • customer_id : will be the primary key in CDP. (required)

    • Example : MD5(phone_number), md5(email_address), …, etc

  • payment_method: an option of values 'OTC' ,…, etc (required)

  • Items: (required)

    • id : Product SKU , differentiate by Variant size

   $( "#CHECKOUT_FORM" ).submit(function( event ) {
      // code tracking here 
    web_event.track('product', 'checkout', {
     items: [{
		"name":"áo thun nam xanh",
		"size": "39"
                "color": "black"
    }, {
		"name":"áo thun nam xanh",
		"size": "39"
                "color": "black"
     dims: {
     	   customers : {
            customer_id: "26312561290fe10d41bf93c55765376", // md5(phone)
  	    customer_name : "Barack Obama",
  	    email: "", 
  	    phone: "09123123123",
  	    address: "Address 1",
  	    district: "District 1",
  	    city: "City Name",
  	    date_created: '2022-08-01 13:50:00',  // yyyy-MM-dd 
            identify_event: "checkout", //  fix value
     extra: {     
            payment_method: 'OTC',
            delivery_method: 'antsomi giao hàng',
            voucher_code: "YYYY" // The  voucher code applied or empty
  • type, id, and name are required params

  • The other params are optional, but there are a number of params that are required to serve the recommended product:

    • price

    • main_category

    • category_level_1

    • category_level_2

    • brand

10. User Sign-In

Event trigger: After the user login is successful.

  • customer_id : will be the primary key in CDP. (required)

    • Example : MD5(phone_number), md5(email_address), …, etc

  • identify_event: 'sign_in' . Fix this value (required)

  • customer_name (required)

web_event.track('user', 'sign_in', {
	customer_id: "2891b0086090fe10d41bf93c55765376", 
        customer_name: 'Barack Obama',
        phone: '09123123123', 
        email: '', 	
        identify_event: 'sign_in' 

11. User Sign-up

Event trigger: After the user sign-up is successful.

  • customer_id : will be the primary key in CDP.

    • Example : MD5(phone_number), md5(email_address), …, etc

  • identify_event: 'sign_up' . Fix this value

  • customer_name (required)

web_event.track('user', 'sign_up', {
        customer_id: "2891b0086090fe10d41bf93c55765376", 
    	customer_name: 'Barack Obama', 
        phone: '09123123123', 
        email: '',
        identify_event: 'sign_up' 

12. User Sign-out

When the user logout

web_event.track('user', 'sign_out');

13. Lead Form Submit and User Identify

Track a both of events when user submited form successfully

Set value for leadData with parameters exactly in code sample.

type, id, phone, and name are required params

jQuery("#targetForm").on("submit", function() {
    var leadData = {
        type: "lead", // required and fix this value
        name: 'Nguyen van A', // required 
        phone: '09122323233', // required 
        email: '',
        city: 'Hồ Chí Minh',
        district: 'Quận 1',
        ward: '12',
        address: '122/19 Nguyễn Huệ',
        lead_time: '2022-04-06 22:40:00', // time to submit . format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 
        lead_locate: window.location.href,
        lead_event: 'Event sale sinh nhật' // Event name for each landing page .

    console.log('cdp leadData:', leadData);

    var properties = {
        items: [leadData]

    //event lead form 
    web_event.track('lead_form', 'submit', properties);

    // call to user identify event  (can use this function)


function _cdpUserIdentifyFromLead(leadData) {

    if (typeof leadData != 'object') {
        console.log('no tracking identify_event from lead:', leadData);

    if ( == undefined || == '' || < 9) {
        console.log('Phone Check. no tracking identify_event from lead:', leadData);

    if ( == undefined || == '') {
        console.log('Name check. no tracking identify_event from lead:', leadData);

    if ( == undefined || == '' ||'@') <= 0) {
        console.log('Email Check. no tracking identify_event from lead:', leadData);

    var extraData = leadData || {};

    extraData.is_lead = true;
    extraData.is_ecom = true;
    extraData.lead_source = 'landing page';
    extraData.identify_event = 'lead form LP';
    extraData.phone_number =;
    extraData.customer_name =;

    if ( != undefined && != '' &&
        window._cdpEventFunction != undefined &&
        typeof window._cdpEventFunction.md5 == 'function') {
        extraData.customer_id = window._cdpEventFunction.md5(;

    console.log('cdp identify data:', extraData);

    var properties = {
        extra: extraData

    web_event.track('user', 'identify', properties);



1. Blog Category

Add this script to the header tag of the all blog pages - bellow the main code


+ page_type: Fixed value to "article" (required)

+ page_category: The current article category name. (required)

Code sample

<!-- Antsomi CDP 365  script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _cdp365Analytics = {       
	 page: {"page_type": "article", "page_category": "<The current article category name>"}           

2. Blog Detail

Add this script to the header tag of the all blog pages - bellow the main code

Item product list size: The main article detail.

User viewed article details


+ page_type: Fixed value to "article_detail" (required)

+ page_category: The current article category name. (required)


+ type : Fixed value to "article" (required)

+ id: Article ID (required)

+ name: Article Title (required)

Code sample

<!-- Antsomi CDP 365  script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _cdp365Analytics = {             
	 page: {"page_type": "article_detail", "page_category": "<The current article category name>"},      

    items: [{
      type: "article",
      id: "12345", // Article ID
      name: "Review sữa Nan A2 Thụy Sĩ có thực tốt như lời đồn không?", // Article Title
      page_url: window.location.href,
      tags: ["sữa Nan A2", "Sữa Nan A2 Infinipro"],
      tags_string: "sữa Nan A2,Sữa Nan A2 Infinipro"
    track: [['article', 'view']]        

Last updated