About reports

Insights reports tell stories with data. These stories can persuade, provide insights, validate decisions, or argue for a change of course. Good reports help you find actionable information quickly and easily. This article provides a quick overview of Insights reports for viewers: consumers of reports. The rest of the articles in this topic are intended for report editors and creators.

Keep it fresh

Data in your report is cached to enhance performance.

Report editors can update the cache by click refresh data. Refresh

Change the date range (N)

Charts have a different default date ranges, depending on the data source they are based on. The report's author might include a Date Range control, giving you the option of displaying a different date range. If present, the Date Range control applies to the entire report. All of the charts, including those with date comparisons, will now respect the new date range you've set.

To change the date range:

  1. View the report.

  2. Click the Date Range dropdown.

  3. Use one of the preset date options, such as Last week, Yesterday, or Last month, or use the calendar to select your beginning and ending dates.

  4. Click Apply.

Date Range controls are optional objects that can be included by the report author. The control will often (but not always) be in the report header.

Learn more about creating charts with date and time data.

Refine your view

Reports can include Filters that restrict the data being shown in the Report.

There are two types of filters:

Learn more about using Filters.

Turn the page

Insights reports can have multiple pages. Use the Page menu or page controls in the toolbar to navigate through the report.

Learn how to add pages to your report.

Share the report

Sharing is caring! Use the Share > Invite people menu option to invite other people to view or collaborate on your report.

To share a report that was created by someone else, the report owner needs to give you permission to do so.

Share types

There are three share types that you can select to share.

Public on the web

If you want to share the report with anyone, even those who don't have CDP 365 accounts, please select this option.

Anyone on the CDP 365

If you want to share the report with anyone, even those who have CDP 365 accounts, please select this option.

Specific people

If you want to share the report with specific CDP 365 accounts, please select this option.

Make it yours

Use the Make a copy of this report option to save an editable version of a report.

Report editors can limit the ability to make copies or download reports.

Learn more about copying reports.

See who is on the same report with you

If there are more than 1 account viewing or editing a report, the avatar of those accounts will appear with corresponding view or edit mark at the bottom. Every time changes are made, the report will be updated immediately and displayed the latest results on the screen of the other accounts.

Last updated