February 2023

These are the features and improvements released during the month of February 2023

Functions & Features

New app - Data Schema of Data Hub

If you want to get an overview of data in CDP 365, go to Data Schema. The app illustrates the relationships between events of a Source and Business Objects by a diagram. Besides, it shows attributes and event attributes belonging to a Business Object or an event. Read more

Data Schema

New module - Ticket Management

Reporting and managing your issues or requests of CDP 365 features are more convenient with Ticket. The app allows you to classify and prioritize your questions. Besides, Ticket is a productive way to let Antsomi team support you. Read more

Ticket Management

General - Explore feature in Journeys, Promotion Pool and Business Objects

Explore in Segments or Plannings, now you can use Explore to get a statistical report of a journey, a promotion pool, or a Business Object. Let you have a quick overview of the effectiveness of a journey (CTR, Conversion rate, etc.).

Explore in Business Objects

Read more:

Business Object

Promotion code


Marketing Hub - Customer Journey - Allow editing Email Preheader

You are able to tip your receivers off on what the message contains before they open it.


Last updated