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Display the type of the campaign including:
Floating Bar
You can choose whether to apply the changes to all views of your campaign (Yes/No, Optin, and Success) or just the current view by turning on/off the Global View Styling status
The container width can be customized to a specific pixel or percentage value
On mobile devices, you should adjust 100% of the screen width
Solid: Applies a single color uniformly within the whole of an object by selecting the Background color
Gradient: It applies a continuous blend of two or more colors, where one color gradually fades and changes into another. You can choose the Gradient Style:
Linear: Change the angle of the gradient
Radial: Change the positioning (right center, left top, left center, etc)
First color & first color location
Second color & second color location
Image URL: A web address that specifies the location of an image
Image Position: The position of the background image such as left top, left center, right top, right center, etc.
Image Repeat: Sets how background images are repeated (Repeat, Repeat horizontal, repeat vertical, etc.)
Image Size: How an image should be resized to fit its container
Contain: The image keeps its aspect ratio but is resized to fit within the given dimension
Cover: The image keeps its aspect ratio and fills the given dimension. The image will be clipped to fit
Auto: The image keeps its aspect ratio and fills the given dimension automatically
When you choose the background is color and image, then you turn on the status of 'Set image layer first', the background image will bring the front of the background color
Defer loading of the image until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport
You can adjust the basic colors and shape of the close button.
Display a close button? allows a template to be closed by a button. You are able to edit the design of the button.
Auto close a popup after a period of time
A template was closed by a close button, and now Auto Close feature allows users to adjust the time closing the whole Template or any desirable view automatically.
Turn on the toggle >> select a level >> set a period of seconds.
Notes: a template could be closed by both methods.
You can turn on/off the display a Yes/No View
The specific settings in this section will vary depending on the campaign type you are designing
You can turn on the status of 'Close on background click' to close a popup when the user clicks outside
The campaign will move to the top of the page if you turn on the option 'Load Floating Bar at top of page?'
You can turn on the status of 'Close on background click' to close a popup when the user clicks outside
Position: Adjust the position of the Slide-in
Enable the Minimized State: It is easy to minimize your Slide-In campaign in the bottom corner of the screen when your visitor closes it. You can also set your Slide-In campaign to first appear as minimized, and open on click or time delay
Display style:
Collapsed Text: This is the text that will display when the campaign is minimized. The default text is “Learn more about us!"
Icon: This is the icon that will display when the campaign is minimized. Its settings include icon selection (hint: you can find the icon by inputting the data in Search), icon color, icon size
Slide direction: The position that slide-in shows when the campaign is maximized, includes Slide up, Slide right, Slide left, and Replace
Content Amination:
Load Toggled Open:
If the 'Load toggled open?' option is enabled, the campaign will appear in its maximized state when it first loads on your site. If the visitor selects the close button for your campaign it will then appear minimized
If the 'Load toggled open?' option is disabled, the campaign will appear in its minimized state when it first loads on your site. The visitor will need to select the minimized campaign before it will open to the maximized state. You can also set 'Automatic open delay' in second unit
Content Sources allow creating dynamic content from various Business Objects.
A group is a setting of a Business Object. A template could have up to 2 Groups, and each Group has up to 3 algorithms.
For example, the requirement for the template is to show promotion code and name of customers who are viewing the template. The content sources should have Customer Business Object and Promotion Pool Business Object to provide these attributes.
Each Business Object has its configuration
Filter: Filter desired data, you can also combine conditions such as AND/OR
Sort: Sort by order or mix. In sort by order, you can drag and drop to arrange
Add Algorithms: 'Seen product" is the default algorithms
Similar content: Get n products with names related to the content in the article. Sort by titles, keywords, or tags
Viral products: Products in collectors want to viral
Seen products: Products the user has already browsed
Carted: Product this user has already placed in the shopping cart (and which are still there)
Bought: Products this user recently bought
Recency: Products with a recent release or availability date
Same category: Products in the same category as the current product
Same brand: Products in the same brand as the current product
Look-alike products: Products that have a similar context in the title description to the current product
Product bought most often: Products most often bought during the chosen time frame
Product carted most often: Products most often carted during the chosen time frame
Product viewed most often: Products most often viewed during the chosen time frame
Frequently bought together: Product usually bought with current product
Frequently cart together: Product usually adds to a cart with the current product
Frequently seen together: Product usually seen with current product
Distance: Products that satisfy the conditions of comparison between two attributes in a range of value
Notify: Products that added to wishlist
Get top: Top products which attribute satisfy the setup condition
Similarity bought: Products usually bought with the last products the current user bought
Similarity cart: Products usually add a cart with the last products of the current user carted
Similarity seen: Products usually seen with the last products of the current user seen
Retarget search: Product the user searched for
Same interest: Products in the same categories as those the user has shown the most interest in
Excluded: The feature allows you to hide the filtered information of the product
Custom: It allows you to custom algorithms
Fallback: Fallback items that are always recommended in case there are no recommendations that can be presented
Hidden: Hide the template in case there are no recommendations
None: Shows recommendations that satisfied the algorithms
Most seen: Recommendations items that were most frequently seen
Most cart: Recommendations items that were most frequently added to the cart
Most bought: Recommendations items that were most frequently bought
Removed cart: Recommendations on items that were added to the cart but then removed. This algorithm also took care of the case when customers added the products to the cart again.
Filter: Filter desired data, you can also combine conditions such as AND/OR
Custom Ranking: It allows you to custom algorithms
Collect campaign data with custom URLs
ATM_Source: This indicates the social network, search engine, newsletter name, or other specific source driving the traffic. Examples: facebook, twitter, blog, newsletter, etc
ATM_Medium: This tracks the type of channel driving the traffic: organic social, paid social, email, and so on. Examples: cpc, organic_social
ATM_Campaign: Give each campaign a name so you can keep track of your efforts. This could be the product name, a contest name, a code to identify a specific sale or promotion, an influencer ID or a tagline. Examples: summer_sale, free_trial
ATM_Term: Use this UTM tag to track paid keywords or key phrases. Examples: social_media, newyork_cupcakes
ATM_Content: This parameter allows you to track different ads within a campaign. Examples: video_ad, text_ad, blue_banner, green_banner
UTM_Source: This indicates the social network, search engine, newsletter name, or other specific source driving the traffic. Examples: facebook, twitter, blog, newsletter, etc
UTM_Medium: This tracks the type of channel driving the traffic: organic social, paid social, email, and so on. Examples: cpc, organic_social
UTM_Campaign: Give each campaign a name so you can keep track of your efforts. This could be the product name, a contest name, a code to identify a specific sale or promotion, an influencer ID or a tagline. Examples: summer_sale, free_trial
UTM_Term: Use this UTM tag to track paid keywords or key phrases. Examples: social_media, newyork_cupcakes
UTM_Content: This parameter allows you to track different ads within a campaign. Examples: video_ad, text_ad, blue_banner, green_banner
You can choose the image by clicking
Amination type: You can choose the amination type and configure settings by clicking