View/Edit a Data Source

Clicking on a Data Source Name to view/edit a data source.

A view/edit page will be displayed as following:

  1. There are 2 tabs to view a data source

  • Fields: to create and manage fields of a data source.

  • Action logs: to view and manage the updated activity of this data source:

  • 2.1 Click All fields to go back to view/edit page of the data source.

  • 2.2 Input in this search bar to search for desire field.

  • 2.3 Click to select fields used the formula input (2.5)

  • 2.4 Input the name of this custom field

  • 2.5 Input formula of custom field

  • 2.6 Select data type for the custom field

  • 2.7 Click Edit Connection to edit the data source connector (mentioned in (7))

  • 2.8 Click Cancel to close this page and go back to view/edit page of the data source.

  • 2.9 Click Save to save the new field.

  1. Edit the data type, aggregation and description for a field.

  2. Click to select the time range that the data of this data source will be updated. A popup will show up as below:

  • 5.1: Select the time range that the data of this data source will be updated.

  • 5.2: Click Set data freshness to select this time range and close the popup.

  • 5.3 Click Cancel to close the popup.

  1. Click Notification setting to set up the notifications for this Data source, and a popup will be displayed as following:

  • 6.1: Input the email be received notification

  • 6.2 Click Add email to add other email to receive the notification.

  • 6.4 Select whenever a user to receive and email/notification.

  • 6.5 Click Apply to apply the settings and close the popup.

  1. Click Edit Connection and a page will show up to edit the connection of the data source:

  • 7.1 Re-select the data sheet/source of the data source.

  • 7.2 Click Reconnect to reconnect the selected data sheet/source. A Popup will display to select the field for this data source as following:

After finishing this step, click Apply to save the selected fields and go back to view/edit page of the data source.

  • 7.3 Click Fields to get back to view/edit page of the data source.

  1. Click Refresh to update the changes of the data and the field of the Data sheet/source from the Connector and a Popup will showup if there are changes of the fields from the connectors:

  1. Click Force sync to immediately get the latest data from the connector.

Last updated