How to send "Infobip Viber" using CDP 365

STEP 1: Create the 'Infobip Viber' destination

1. Log in to CDP 365. Hover your mouse over Settings. Choose Channel Integration.

2. Click the button and select Viber

Select Infobip Viber in the Destination Catalog

3. Fill in the necessary information for the destination

General Information

  • Destination Name

  • Description

NOTE: You can add another language if you want by clicking

Configure fields

The configuration of the Infobip Viber destination is required these fields:


Base URL

Country Code

Phone Number

Sender Name


The key is provided by Infobip for your Infobip Viber account.

To get the API Key, please follow these steps

Step 1: Go to your Infobip account, find the API Keys app at the DEVELOPER TOOLS

API Keys

Step 2: Copy the API Key

API Keys

Step 3: Paste it to the API Key in the Configure field

Base URL

To get the Base URL, go to your Infobip account

Step 1: Go to the Developers tab, copy the API Base URL


Step 2: Paste the Base URL in the Configure fields

NOTE: You have to add "https://" before the API Base URL after pasting it, for example,

Country Code

Its the country code of the receiver's phone number which can be formatted as 84 for the Vietnam country code.


  • No "+" before the code, for example, +84. If there is +84, the destination is wrong and can not send the message.

  • Only one country code for a destination.

  • Limit by 255 characters.

Phone number

The phone number of receivers that you can use data available in CDP 365 to set the configuration of the receiver.


  • Limit by 150 characters.

You click the icon to add Personalization.

  • Personalization type: Visitor/Customer Attribute

  • Personalization attribute: List of attributes in Visitor/customer that you selected before

  • Default value: The default phone number that will be used if a customer does not have a phone number.

Example: The receiver phone number is the phone number in the Visitor Business Object. NOTE: You should add personalization so your receiver's phone number could be dynamic in the journey. If not, the journey could only send Viber messages to the phone number you put in here.

Sender Name

You input the Name that will be shown in the Viber message.

General Setting

For the general setting, please check here!

STEP 2: Create a Customer Journey

1. Hover your mouse over Marketing and go to All Channels menu.

2. Choose a Channel

We have 2 channels that supporting to send Viber:

  • Viber

  • Orchestration

3. Click to create a Journey

4. Add and configure Destination node

  • Click to add Destination node, choose Infobip Viber

  • Choose the method to design the Viber message

  • Select a "Infobip Viber" destination that you have created in Step 1

  • Fill out the necessary information

Notes: If you input the Button Title, the Landing Page is required to fill.

5. Save and activate the Journey

  • Click Save to save the Journey.

  • After that, click Activate to start running the Journey and sending Viber messages to journey targeted audience.

Last updated