
Create a Collection

You can create a Collection by following the steps:

Configure the Collection

Update method

Update CollectionDescription



The result will be recomputed periodically based on the schedule by date or time

The collection chooses the Dynamic Collection - scheduled update type will contain the Computation Schedule option. See more about the Computation Schedule

Item input method

The item will be updated to Collection by selecting the method below:

Item input methodDescription

Add condition

Collection will be created based on objects that already exist on your CDP 365 system portal. These objects are filtered based on your setting of the Have attribute

Or bulk select

The element will be imported into the collection by uploading a data file ​with format .csv, .xlsx, .xls. See more the Import utility


Status of a Collection

Quick editing name of the Collection

You can edit the name of the segment quickly by following the steps:

  1. Edit name in the Collections popup

Action with Collection

There are many actions you could do with one or multiple collections. To do so, click on the check box(es) of the collection(s) you want.



When enabling the collection will change the state of the collection to Enabled.

If within a specified time the segment is not used anywhere, the state is changed to disabled


Disabling the collection changes the state of the collection to Disabled. This will then block the input of the collection. Collection cannot be used in any function.

If, within a specified time, the collection is not re-enabled, the collection will automatically change its state to archived.


When archive collection will block all output and input of collection. Then the collection will not show up in any collection selector list.

If within a specified time period, the collection is not enabled, it will be deleted forever.


Restore archived segment.

During recovery, the segment's state can be changed to enabled or disabled.

Make a copy

Create a new collection with the setting of the chosen one. This only applies when choosing one items.


In order to better distinguish between collections having the same characteristics and the others, you could use Label feature. This is especially helpful in many cases such as labeling collections by the team who created it, by seasons of the year or by discount rate, etc.

If there exists available labels, choose on the labels you want and click Apply.

Computed result of collection

Quickly see the results in the collection list

You can quickly check the status and number of calculated elements in the data table of the Collection

Collection Computation Histories

View Collection Computation Histories

Collection Computation Histories Data table

It presents a data table containing information about collection computation

  • Computation ID: Every time attribute is computed, it will have an ID

  • Name: name of the attribute

  • Update method: type of update method (Static/Dynamic)

  • Computation trigger: Trigger by the user or Scheduled Update

  • Computation status: Status of the computation (Success, Computing, Unsuccess, Paused, Waiting)

  • Computation started on: the date and time that the computation starts

  • Computation ended on: the date and time that the computation ends

  • Computation duration (sec): The duration of computation (in seconds)

  • Computation output: Number of outputs that satisfy the condition after finishing the computation

  • Error info: Error code that caused compute failed

Copy a Collection

Steps to make a collection copy

  1. Select the original collection

  2. Select Make a copy in Action

  3. Customize conditions

Use cases of Collection

Last updated