How to create Web Personalization using Media JSON in CDP 365?

STEP 1: Create a Customer Journey

1. Go to Marketing Hub --> Choose Customer Journey

3. Setup Action-based Trigger

Choose the Event and Source you want

4. Setup Destination node

  • Click on Web Embedded node --> Choose Design from JSON

  • Input neccessary information for campaign

  • Go to step 2: Compose --> Click Blank Template

  • Design the media by drag and drop blocks in to the left area. To see details of each block, click here.

  • Click Apply

5. Save & Activate the journey

  • Click "Save change" to save the journey

  • Click "Activate" to start running the journey

STEP 2: Verify the data

After the Journey has successfully run, go to your website to check the data.

1. Inspect your website

  • Click the right mouse --> choose Inspect in the pop-up or press F12 on your keyboard

2. Find the event

In tab Network, enter keyword in to search box:

  • Delivery or code of the event chosen in Action-based trigger node (Ex: Add to cart --> add_to_cart)

3. Find & check API

  • In the list of API, find the API that has the event in Action-based trigger node

  • Double click on that API --> in the URL, change "v3" into --> "app"

NOTE: You can install JSON Formatter to check the data of API


After the Journey has successfully run, go to your website to check the data.

1. Inspect your website

  • Click the right mouse --> choose Inspect in the pop-up or press F12 on your keyboard

2. Find API

  • In tab Control, enter function used to build the Media JSON and Enter. Function detail

  • Copy API response and paste in URL, request this API to get data.

Last updated