Custom Attribute

The attribute in which data does not need to compute

In order to create a custom attribute, process as Create an attribute

Custom Attribute Configure

General Information

  • Object: the corresponding Object that you chose to create the attribute

  • Group attribute: Group contains attributes that have the same characteristic or usage. See more about Groups

  • Attribute type: type of attribute you chose to create

  • Attribute name: name of the attribute

  • Attribute internal code: code of the attribute

  • Description: information describes the attribute

Note: the attribute code does not allow prefixes: number_, sgmt_, aud_


  • Data type: data type of the attribute

  • Display Format: the displayed value of the attribute. You can edit the display format

  • Attribute usage setting:

    • Is Required: Mark this attribute as required for the object

    • Enable Data Encryption: mark data encoding for this attribute


  • The display format is corresponding with the selected event and event attribute

Last updated