
This app manage the list of portal accounts

Create account

  • Click create icon

  • Set the configuration

    • Email: the email of the account to be created

    • Request verify email: the account is active only when the user verifies via email

    • Full Name: Full name of account

    • Gender: select Male or Female

    • Account type has account and manager account

      • Account is a normal account that has permissions only when manager account grants them

      • Manager account has a primary account that has authority to grant permission to others

  • Click SAVE

Account Details

Click on Name of account on datagrid will display account detail page.

There are 3 tab in account detail page: Summary, Permission, Account sharing


The summary tab displays basic information of the account.

  • Click on button to change information.

  • Click the Switch button to enable 2-step authentication to secure your account. To know further details, click here.


Permission tab includes the role in which the account is granted

You can assign permissions to the account by selecting roles or assigning permissions directly by Function Permission


  • List Roles: display the list of roles in the Roles app. Click on to select role for account.

  • Selected Roles: displays a list of roles assigned to this account. Click on to remove selected roles.

  • Click on Dropdown in role will show options to choose permission

    • Permission Only: only have view/edit permission on the menu by role

    • Grant Permission Only: You can only assign view/edit permissions on the menu by role to another account

    • Both: have permission and grand permission on menu by role.

Super Admin: This is the role that has permission to everything on all menus on the portal.

Public: By default, when a new account is created, it will have the Public role. That account will have view rights on some menus.

Function Permission

Displays a list of menus and the corresponding permissions on that menu.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Menu: List of menu in poral

  • Roles: roles to which this account is assigned

  • Permission: Account permissions on the menu. There are two permission: View and Edit.

    • Click on dropdown list View will show options:

      • None: user can't see this menu.

      • Created by user: account only can view data created by themselves

      • Management by user: account can view data of accounts managed by this account

      • {Permission}(via Role): view permission is granted by role

      • Everything: Account can see all data in this menu.

  • Click on dropdown list Edit will show options:

  • Everything: Account can edit all data in this menu. This option only display when View select Every thing.

  • Management by user: account can edit data of accounts managed by this account. This option only display when View select Every thing and Management by user

  • Created by user: account only can edit data created by themselves. This option only display when View select Every thing, Management by user or Created by user.

  • None: account can't edit in menu. This option display when View select Everything, Management by user, Created by user or None.

  • {Permission} (via Role): permission is granted by role

Account Sharing

Account sharing tab manages the emails which have the right to use this account

  • Click on to add account access

After clicking + Users will show the INVITE OTHERS TO ACCESS THIS ACCOUNT section

  • App: Select the app that the account access can access.

  • Email address: Enter the email of the account access. This email must exist in the portal's account list

  • Name: name will load by email

  • Access level: Includes 2 options:

    • Administrative access: Has the same permissions as the main account on the selected app.

    • Read only access: Only view permission as the main account on the selected app

Click on Send invitation to send email to account access

Last updated