

Segments app manages segments of audiences created by the data available in CDP 365 or combined with external data.

It includes 2 tabs which are Segments and Computation Histories.

Segments tab

The tab provides segment creation and management.

Create a Segment

Following these steps to create a Segment:

  1. Select a type of segment

  2. Set the configure of segment

  3. After clicking Save, a pop-up will appear confirming whether to build the segment right away.

    • If it is agreed upon, the segment will be built immediately.

    • Otherwise, the segment will build according to the setting.

Segment types

There are 2 groups of segments based on the types of audiences:

Audience typeSegment typeDescription


Customer Segment

Create a segment based on the data available in the Customer business object

Customers and Segment

Include 2 steps:

  • Upload data to the Customer business object

  • Create the segment


Visitor Segment

Create a segment based on the data available in the Visitor business object

Visitors and Segment

Include 2 steps:

  • Upload data to the Visitor business object

  • Create the segment

The configuration of a segment

General information

Audience name: the name of the segment

Description: describe the segment

Update segment

Does the segment update?

Update SegmentDescription


The segment is built only once corresponding to the setting.


The segment is built and updated by a schedule corresponding to the setting.

Create a customer segment of those who shopped 3 times per week, for example, the result was 2,000 customers after creating.

  • Static segment, the segment was built only once and the result was 2,000 customers.

  • Dynamic segment, the segment was updated and the result changed over the computation schedules.

Member input method

What are the characteristics of the audience in a segment?

Member input methodDescription


Based on the data available in CDP 365

  • Perform event: filter audiences based on the interactions/events of customers or visitors. For example, build a segment for customers who have more than 3 successful orders this month.

  • Have attribute: filter audiences based on the attributes of the customer or visitor business objects. For example, build a segment for visitors who locate in Ho Chi Minh city.

Matching file

Filter audiences based on the combination of CDP 365's data and uploaded data.

Empty segment

Create an empty-value segment to be updated from marketing campaign scenarios in Customer Journeys.

Unsubscribe segment

Audiences are the people who unsubscribe from emails.

Segment Member

Limit the number of audiences in a segment.

Segment memberDescription

No Limit

An unlimited number of members in the segment.


Limit the number of member in the segment, by:

  • Get top of: the number of member

  • Sort by: attribute of the customer or visitor business object

  • Sort order: ascending/descending

Notification Setup

  • Account: set up account(s) receiving notification

  • Notify options: the notification can be sent by email or pushed notification when the computation complete success or fail


The feature gives a statistical report of the to-be-built segment which includes

  • The number of members the segment could have

  • The percentage of the members in the segment compared to the total number of customers or visitors in the CDP 365.

Version History

The feature allows not only viewing details of edit history but also restoring a specific version.

Each version is recorded after a time of saving.

Check segments

After creating a segment, check at data table of Segments tab.

Action with segment

Select at least one segment, click ACTION to adjust the status of a segment



  • When enabled, the segment status change to ENABLE

  • Enable means the segment is enabled to update its data

  • After a set time not being used, the segment automatically changes to disable.


  • When disabled, the segment status change to DISABLE

  • Disable means the segment is disabled to update its data

  • After a set time not being used, the segment automatically changes to archive.


  • When archived, the segment status change to ARCHIVE

  • The segment is unavailable to search or use in other apps. Using filter by the archive status to find it

  • After a set time not being used, the segment is automatically deleted.


  • Restore archived segments

  • During recovery, can't interact with the segment.

Make a copy

  • If demanding creates a segment with similar condition settings to an existing segment, use Make a copy

  • Make a copy of the segment by following steps

  1. Select an original segment

  2. Select Make a copy in Action

  3. Name and confirm creating a copy

  4. Adjust conditions

  5. Save

Note: The copy is only saved and calculated when you complete the step of clicking SAVE


Label helps management of segments more productive.

Status of a Segment

Segment status can be changed by switching the toggle of Status.

It indicates the status of a segment.


By hovering over the name of a segment could have functions of

Update method

It indicates the type of update method that the segment is applied.

Segment status and Last computation status

The computation of a segment includes 3 steps

  • Step 1: check the resources in CDP 365 to compute the segment

  • Step 2: compute members of the segment

  • Step 3: store the data of the segment in CDP 365

Last computation statusDescription

Waiting Initial

The segment is waiting for the computation schedule


The segment is in step 1


The segment is in step 2

Ready to use

The segment is done computing but in the progress of step 3


The status is done step 3


The segment has been built unsuccessfully

There is a relationship between Segment status and Last computation status.

  • If the segment status is 'enable', the last computation status could be updated based on the computation schedule or forced to update.

  • Otherwise, its last computation status is updated once after the first build.


It indicates the type of member input method used to build the segment, including

  • Matching file means the segment is built by the matching file method

  • Customer/Visitor attribute means the segment is built by the condition method using Have attribute condition

  • Sources mean the segment is built by the condition method using Perform event condition.


It shows the number of members included in a segment.

Attributes shown in Segment tab could be modified in Column.

Computation Histories tab

Computation Histories provides information about the history of each computation by computation ID.

  • Segment name and segment version give details of which version of a segment was computed. By clicking the version, it could direct to the version history of that version.

  • Time-related of information includes the time of start and end and the duration

  • Computation trigger means who triggered the computation, including user (force to compute) or system (following the computation schedule)

  • Error info gives a reason for the unsuccess status

Details of Member input method

Explain more details of two methods: Condition and Matching file


There are two options for the condition method that requires different settings

  • Perform event

  1. 'Select event' is the interaction of visitors or customers. 'Select event' includes 3 steps: select an event, select comparing method, and input value of comparison

  2. 'In any source of' is the domain where the event happened. After selecting an event, CDP 365 will propose a list of sources that have the event

  3. 'Where' is a filter of the selected event. 'Where' could combine more than one event attribute by AND logic

  4. 'Time range' is the time in which the event occurred.

  • 'Have attribute' is the attribute of customers or visitors, including steps: select attribute, select comparing method, and input the comparison value.

Could have more than one condition combined by AND and OR logic. If selecting an attribute or an event that isn't updated, CDP 365 will give a warning note.

Matching file

This method includes two steps:

  • Upload data of customers or visitors into CDP 365

    • If selecting the static update segment, don't have the 'Choose update method' setting

    • If selecting the dynamic update segment, have the 'Choose update method' setting

    • 'Choose update method' includes 'Replace the current audiences' (default by CDP 365) and 'Add more audiences'.

  • 'Select the criteria to find suitable audiences for the segment' is an optional setting. The segment is created based on the data matched between CDP 365 and the uploaded file.

Use cases of Segment

Last updated