Blast Campaign

When creating a new Customer Journey from scratch, it would take many steps and nodes which is time-consuming for users, when users only have a purpose to send a quick messages to their customers.

By releasing Blast Campaign, users are now able to quick create a journey with simple settings and users can create a campaign with ease.

Create a new Blast Campaign

Click on to create a new journey.

Create a new Journey

An interface will show up for you to select the Journey create type. Select Blast Campaign option to create a blast campaign.

*Note: Blast campaign option is current shown on SMS channel. And Blast campaign option would not be shown on Journey orchestration option.

Select blast campaign

After selecting this option, it will lead to the Blast campaign creating interface.

On the blast campaign create mode, there would be 2 area of settings as show:

A. General settings of the Campaign

B. Detail settings of the Campaign

2 areas of settings in Blast campaign.

A. General settings

1. Schedule: Set up the begin date & the end date of the Blast Campaign

Schedule setting

There would be multiple option of Trigger journey type:

a. Once: The journey will run one time only

When users select this option, there would be 2 ways to run this journey:

  • Trigger time: select the time the journey trigger:

+ At a specific date & time: When selecting this option, you may need to select the start date & start time of this journey.

By clicking on icon, a date picker will show up for users to select date:

Date picker

By clicking on icon, a time picker will show up for users to select time:

Time picker

+ Right after the journey activated: By selecting this option, the journey would be activated right after you activate the journey without waiting for a certain time.

b. By hour/day/week/month: This journey will be scheduled to run every certain hours/days/weeks/months that you set up.

Select By hour/day/week/month
  • Every: select the time range that the journey would be rescheduled to run.

  • Start date: Select the start date of this journey:

+ By clicking on icon, a date picker will show up for users to select date.

+ By clicking on icon, a time picker will show up for users to select time.

  • Close date: Select the close date of this journey. There are 2 options:

+ None: This journey will run without an end date.

+ The other option: Select the close date of the Journey. By clicking on / icon, a date picker /time picker will show up for users to select the close date/time of the journey.

2. Frequency Capping:

Frequency capping

a. Unlimited frequency: There is no limit of time for a customer to enter the journey.

b. Limited frequency: Set up the limit of time for a customer to enter a journey per day/week/month, etc.

B. Campaign setting

This setting will help users to select the target customers to send the marketing messages and compose the content of each message for each types of those targeting customers.

1. Campaign tab

a. Create a new campaign tab:

On the left panel, click to add more campaign tabs into this Blast campaign.

Each campaign tabs will contain a message that will be sent to the targeted audiences added in selected tab.

Highlight: If the customer has been received messages from the previous campaign tab, they will not receive messages from the latter campaigns tab.

Example: Campaign tab 1 is targeting to Customer A & B and send to them message 1. Campaign tab 2 is targeting to Customer A & C and send to them message 2.

Since in campaign tab 1 has sent a message 1 to customer A, so customer A would not receive message 2 from campaign tab 2

b. Actions with campaign tab:

Click on icon to show more actions:

  • Duplicate: to create a new campaign tab with same settings of the duplicated campaign tab.

  • Remove: to delete the selected campaign tab.

2. Campaign tab settings

a. Campaign name: input the name of this campaign

b. Send as: select the destination of selected channel.

c. Send to: Select Select Customer/Visitor to target and send marketing message in this selected campaign tab.

There would be a table for user to select targeting customer/visitors to send the marketing to messages.

There would be 2 tabs of this table:

  • Segments: tab to select segments of customer/visitors desired to target to.

  • Customers/Visitors tab: to select specific Customers/visitors to target to

By selecting in Segment tab and Customers, the total audience targeted would be the sum of both selected Segments and selected Customers/visitors.

On Segments tab, by selecting segments in below table, users are able to target on those selected segments.

On Customers/Visitors tab, by selecting specific Customers/visitors in below table, users are able to target on those selected customers/visitors.

Select targeting Visitors/customers

By clicking on button, users are able to exclude specific Customers/Visitors or segments of customers/visitors by hover on Excluded Audiences option and select Segments or specific audience as below:

d. Delivery hours of the day: to select the specific time frame to send the messages to those targeting audiences.

  • Any time: the messages could be sent any time of a day

  • Specific hours of the day: the message would only be send on the selected time frame by users

3. Forecast targeting audience

By using forecast function, users are able to estimate the number of audience that is targeting on in this campaign tab by clicking on the Forecast button.

a. If this campaign tab includes the customers/visitors only: the interface would be show as below:

  • Reach: would display the number of customers/visitors targeting on

b. If this campaign tab both includes and excludes the customer/visitors: the interface would be show as below:

  • Include: display the number of customers/visitors is included in included audience table

  • Exclude: display the number of customers/visitors is excluded in excluded audience table

  • Reach: display the number of customers would be targeted to in this campaign tab

4. Compose the content of the message

Compose the content of the message

a. Variant name: input the name for this message

b. Content input the content of the message.

*Highlight: The content of the message can be personalized by clicking on button.

Ex: The content you want to send: "Thank you {Customer_name} for shopping.

Click on button, then select Add personalization. A popup will show up as below:

  • Personalization type: select Customer attribute

  • Personalization Attribute: select Name

Personalization set up

Final result:

Result of a personalized content

c. Pause the message:

Click on , then turn off the switch to pause this message.

Version History

Version History tab allows users to view versions of the Blast campaign

Click on Version History tab as below. The interface will show all versions of a blast campaign.

Version History

1. View/restore a version of the Blast Campaign

Click on a version to view detail and it will redirect to the detail setting of that version

View/restore version

In this screen, users can re-select previous version then click on Restore this version button to restore the selected version.

2. Compare 2 version of the Blast campaign

Click on Compare button to compare versions of a Blast Campaign


A screen would show up to compare the 2 versions as below:

Compare versions of the blast campaign

Click on the version number to select the version users desire to compare:

Color rule: 2 versions of the blast campaign will highlight the difference between 2 version by changing the color on the label or on the campaign tab which the settings have the adjustment:

  • Edit: The color of the label/ campaign tab would change to Orange

  • Create new: The color of the campaign tab would change to Green

  • Remove: The color of the campaign tab would change to Red




Create a new Campaign tab:

A new campaign tab created

Remove a Campaign tab:

A campaign tab removed

Last updated