Create a data source

If you want to create a report in CDP 365, please ensure a data source which is the data input of that report exists in CDP 365.

Step 1: Go to Data Source

Step 2: Select a connector to your data source

A page will show up to select the connector of this data source as below:

  1. Input name for Data Source

  2. Input keywords to look for the desired connector.

  3. Click Select to select the connector.

Step 3: Input the Authentication

Authentication information for the selected connector includes:

  • Username

  • Password

Notes: This step means login to 'your account'. For example, if your selected connector is Google Sheets, then you input your Google account information.

Step 4: Select the Sheets:

Select the data table existing in your connector that you aim to push data into CDP 365.

Notes: for the Optional Range, you can select specific ranges of the file pushing data into CDP 365.

Step 5: Connect the source

Click the Connect button to start the process.

Step 6: Select the fields

After connecting to the data input, you can select the specific fields to import to CDP 365.

Last updated