Let viewers select the fields in charts

Add optional metrics to charts and tables.

Add optional metrics

  1. Edit your report.

  2. Select or add a chart.

  3. On the right, in the properties panel under Metric, turn on Optional metrics.

  4. Click +Add metric or drag the metric from the Available fields panel.

Select optional metrics in a chart

  1. View your report.

  2. Hover over a chart with optional metrics, then in the header, click .

  3. Select the optional metrics from the list.

The number of optional metrics you can select depends on the chart type and number of required metrics already present in the chart.

Restore the default fields

To revert the chart to its default field set, hover over the chart, then click .

Limits of optional metrics

  • You can have a maximum of 10 optional metrics per chart.

  • Optional metrics are not available for pivot tables, scatter charts.

Last updated