Control Toolbar

Import view

There are 3 types of views such as Yes/No, Optin, Success

You can import designs from another


When using the Yes/No view, this type of campaign is also commonly called a 2-Step Campaign. These can be used to show a Yes Button, which when clicked shows a Optin Form (i.e.: the “Optin View” below) or it could have another functionality like redirecting a user to another page


The Optin View is normally used to show your optin form, collecting at least an email address. This view can also be used with Custom HTML integration instead where you can include specialized forms or other content


This view is normally shown after someone successfully signs up on your optin form


On button Thumbnail capture to set up capture thumbnail of media template when Save template.

Clone Template

After cloning the template, the popup will display and you can go to the main screen to see the clone template

Mobile / Desktop Mode

Mobile mode

Desktop mode


There are a number of devices that you can choose and preview

Close preview mode



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