


  • Browse Image: Image Selection

  • Image URL: A web address that specifies the location of an image


  • Field: It contains Business Object attributes

  • Index: The number of the row in the Business Objects Data table

Image Position

This setting allows you to position your image within the frame of your screen

Image Size

This setting allows you to adjust the size of the image. There are 3 options available:

  • Unset: The replaced content is not resized

  • Cover: This option will resize your image to fully “cover” the size of your Fullscreen Background area. This may stretch your image, depending on its original size

  • Contain: This option will resize your image so that its longest dimension (width or height) will match 100% of the Fullscreen Background, fully “containing” your image. This may leave empty space, depending on your image’s dimensions. You can pair this setting with one of the Background Repeat options to fill that space


You can set the alignment of an image (left, right, center)


It allows you to change the width of the image in PX, %, or Auto


It allows you to change the height of the image in PX or Auto

Alt Text

It specifies an alternate text for an image if the image cannot be displayed

  • Static: Enter text

  • Dynamic:

    • Field: It contains Business Object attributes

    • Index: The number of the row in the Business Objects Data table

  • Static: Enter URL

  • Dynamic:

    • Field: It contains Business Object attributes

    • Index: The number of the row in the Business Objects Data table

  • Add "No Follow": "Nofollow" is a link attribute used by websites to instruct search engines, especially Google, not to pass the link juice from one website to the other.


Container Styling

Background color:

Apply background color of Text block.


It allows you to specify the style, width, and color of an element's border


  • Inner Spacing (Padding): Padding is inside the border (or edge) of your element. Increasing the padding will “push” your content into the middle of your box, away from your borders. If you remove the padding, your content will take up the entire box

  • Outer Spacing (Margin): Margin is on the outside of the border of your element. If you increase the margin, it will increase the space between this element and the ones next to it. If you remove your margin, there will be no extra space between your elements


  • The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element

  • An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order

Custom ID attribute

The ID of a block, which is used in Custom CSS, Custom Javascript

Custom Class attribute

The class of a block, which is used in Custom CSS, Custom Javascript

Responsive Design

Display condition

You can set the condition to display the block

  • Condition: It includes None, Show when, Hidden when

  • Field: It contains Business Object attributes

  • Index: The number of the row in the Business Objects Data table

  • Operator: It includes contains, does not contain, starts with, doesn't start with, ends with, doesn't end with, etc.

  • Value: you can input the value or select an attribute from Business Object or Event

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