Virtual Custom Function

Use formulas for advanced calculations based on computed attributes

The Virtual Custom Function attribute computes only when there is a request from the user (Data Object Data-table, Segment, Journey, AM...)

Virtual Custom Function Configure

General Information

  • Object: the corresponding Object that you chose to create the attribute

  • Group attribute: Group contains attributes that have the same characteristic or usage. See more about Groups

  • Attribute type: type of attribute you chose to create

  • Attribute name: name of the attribute

  • Attribute internal code: code of the attribute

  • Description: information describes the attribute

Note: the attribute code does not allow prefixes: number_, sgmt_, aud_

Edit Info

  • Function: You can enter functions or drag the suggested on the right of the Function list or Available Attributes

    • Function list: includes Operators, string, Math, Calendar/Date, Expression

    • Available Attributes: contains a list of available attributes that the user can use in Function

  • Data type of function output: the data type of function output such as Number, String, Datetime. See more about Data Type

  • Display function output: display format for the output of the function, it depends on the data type of function output. See more about Display Format

  • Attribute usage setting:

    • Enable Data Encryption: mark data encoding for this attribute

CDP 365 supports different functions corresponding with each data type

Last updated