Collect data from TikTok Form to CDP 365

I - Introduction

During your marketing journey, there will be time you want to enrich your customer data to better understand you audience and propose appropriate caring services. In order to do so, collecting leads through survey and form and then push to CDP 365 is significant.

In this article, we will instruct step by step on how to connect with TikTok Form and collect data from it.

Before doing as instructions, there are some prerequisites you need to prepare:

  • The TikTok Form that you created on TikTok ads. For example:

  • The information of Event & Event Attributes or Business Objects & Attributes you want to sync the data to CDP 365 with. For example:

    • Submit Lead event with event attributes: Id, Name, Email, Lead Source & sync to BO Lead

    • BO Customers with attributes: Customer ID, Name, Email, Sex Gender, is Tiktok

You can create a new attribute for the data to be sent to if the current ones don’t meet your requirements.

See the article on how to create:

  • Event attributes

  • Attributes


In general, you will have to move through these steps:

Step 1 - Create a Data Source

Step 2 - Create a Data Destination (Optional)

Step 3 - Create a Data Flow

STEP 1 - Create a Data Source

A data source is where you get the data from. In this case, it’s the form distributed on Tiktok.

  • Select an account to be the owner of the Data Source (This only applies to accounts having Super Admin role).

  • Select TikTok Lead as the connector. You can also name the data source.

  • Authenticate your TikTok account for lead generation forms by signing in and clicking on Confirm.

  • Select the owner account of the TikTok Form in Ad Accounts -> click Get Forms.

Then select the TikTok form -> click on Next

  • Go over to confirm the fields in the form that you want to sync data to CDP 365 -> click on Next to finish creating a data source.

Decide who you want to share this Data Source with, then click Save.

STEP 2 - Create a Data Destination

This step is optional because you could also create a Data Destination in a Dataflow. For Realtime Streaming flow, there are 2 types of Data Destinations will be used:

  • Events Destination

  • Business Objects Destination

STEP 3 - Create a Dataflow

Every time an audience submit the form, the data will be captured and sent to CDP 365 in the real time, so the flow belongs to Realtime Streaming category

  • Hover your mouse over Data >> Choose Realtime Stream

Click + button, choose TikTok Lead template, and click Continue

  • The interface of a Realtime Streaming dataflow is different from the Batch one, but at the end, it still provides the same functions, typically:

1. Select the Data Source

  • Select a TikTok Lead Source that was created before to be the data input

2. Select and adjust the Data Destination

2.1 - Streaming Destination

  • Choose where your data would be pushed to. By default, there is one destination of Submit Lead event with chosen Event Attributes, you could customize it according to your demand or create a new destination which can be another Event or Business Object by clicking on Add Destination.

2.2 - Configure the chosen Data Destination

Depending on the type of Data Destination, the configuration fields will display accordingly, typically:

  • Event Destinations

  • Event Source: Choose the Source where an event happened. To read more details about Event Source, click here

  • Event Name: Choose the event you want to sync the data to. To read more details about Event, click here

-> After choosing the Event, it will appear a list of Event attributes & Business Objects that have been assigned to this event, so you could choose the objects you want and map its attributes in 2.3 area

  • Business Objects Destination

    • Business Objects: Choose the Business Objects you want & map its attribute in 2.3 area

2.3 - Map the attributes on CDP 365 with the column on TikTok

  • Source column: The column from the data in the TikTok Form such as Form name, Ad id, etc and the information fields from the Form.

  • Hash: To choose whether the data be hashed to provided algorithms or not

  • Destination column: The column which will receive the data

Each Business Object has its own required fields, so make sure you add it and map Source Column with Destination Column. If not, the data could not be pushed to the Business Object.

For example: Name and ID are required fields for BO Lead, Visitor, Customer, please also add and map Source Column with Destination Column for ID.

After mapping the column, it should look like this

3. Functional buttons

Save & Turn on

  • Click Save to save the changes made in the dataflow

  • Click Activate to actually run the dataflow and start to record the data

Version History

Bulk Process


After having created the dataflow, you could test it by doing these following steps:

Step 1 - Submit the TikTok Form

You could either submit the real form or make a demo by doing as below:

Step 2 - Check on CDP 365 data

After submitting the form, the data will be immediately pushed to CDP 365, you could check on these 3 objects:

1. Streaming Log

The running process of the dataflow you just created. If it were success, the data has been pushed to the desired destinations.

2. Event

In the dataflow, if there were an Event Destination, you could go to Event log of that Event to check up.

3. Business Object

In the dataflow, if there were a Business Object Destination, you could go to Data Table tab of the specific Data Object

Last updated