
When you using CDP 365, these conditions usually appear throughout system features

Logical operator



Data will be retrieved when all the matching conditions are met


Data will be retrieved when one of the conditions combined is met

Example: Get a list of users who have phone numbers and email address information

  • Combined with AND: requires the user to have both phone numbers and email address, missing 1 of the 2 will not satisfy the condition

  • Combined with OR: user only has phone numbers or email address will satisfy the condition

Note: CDP 365 supports maximum

  • 20 OR conditions in each set

  • 20 AND conditions in one OR condition

Comparison function


equal to

Returns objects whose value is equal to the comparison value (case sensitive, signed, unsigned)

not equal to

Returns objects whose value is different from the comparison value (case sensitive, signed, unsigned)

before date

Returns objects whose data is retrieved before the selected date range

after date

Returns objects whose data is retrieved after the selected date range


Returns objects whose data is in the comparison date range Example: Calculate

  • Condition: between 02/02/2022 and 05/02/2022

  • Result: objects whose data is between 02/02/2022 and 02/05/2022

equal time ago

Returns objects whose data is retrieved in the range: from the selected day to the number of days/time before

Example: calculate on 05/02/2022

  • Condition: equal time ago 2 days

  • Result: objects are between 03/02/2022 and 04/02/2022

Example: calculate at 11:30 AM

  • Condition: equal time ago 3 hours

  • Result: objects are between 8.30 AM and 10.30 AM

not equal time ago

Returns objects whose data is retrieved not in the range: from the selected day to the number of days/time before

before time ago

Returns objects with time values ​​that are days/hours back from the date of calculation

Example: perform calculation on 05/02/2022

  • Condition: before time ago 2 days

  • Result: objects with a time value from February 3, 2022 or earlier

after time ago

Returns objects with a time value that is days/hours away from the time of calculation (to the time of calculation)

Example: perform calculation on 05/02/2022

  • Condition: after time ago 2 days

  • Result: objects with a time value from February 3, 2022 to February 5, 2022 (calculation time)


Returns objects that have the value

not exist

Returns objects that have no value

match any of

Returns objects whose value matches any value in the comparison condition


Returns objects whose value contains the character string of the comparison condition

not contain

Returns objects whose value does not contain the character string of the comparison condition

starts with

Returns objects whose values ​​start with the character string in the comparison condition

Example: get a list of phone numbers with the prefix 0916

  • Condition: starts with 0916

not start with

Returns objects whose value does not start with the comparison condition

ends with

Returns objects whose value ends with the character string in the comparison condition Example: get an email list whose email domain is

  • Condition: ends with

not end with

Returns objects whose value does not end with the character string in the comparison condition

greater than

Returns objects whose value is greater than the comparison condition

greater than or equal to

Returns objects whose value is greater than or equal to the comparison condition

less than

Returns objects whose value is less than the comparison condition

less than or equal to

Returns objects whose value is less than or equal to the comparison condition

Last updated