Create a Data Source

From Data Sources main page, click to create a new Data Source

A page will show up to select the connector of this data source as below:

Select a data source
  1. Input name for Data Source

  2. Input keywords to look for the desire connector.

  3. Click Select to select the connector.

After selecting the desire Connect, an authentication step will be processed. For each type of Connector selected, different authentication information needs to be input. Learn more

After finishing authentication step, a data sheet/source of the Connector should be selected to used as the data source for Dataflow.

  1. Click Select Connector to get back to selecting Connector page previously.

  2. Select a data sheet/source to use as the data source. Depending on the selected connector, the process to select the data source at this step would be different. Learn more

  3. Click Cancel to cancel the data source creation and get back to the main page of the Data Source.

  4. Click Connect to connect selected data sheet/source to use this data sheet/source A popup will be shown as following to select the field in the selected data sheet/source:

Set up the fields

Field selection
  1. Search the desire field.

  2. Click to select/unselect a field.

  3. Turn on if user only want to show the selected field.

  4. Name of the field in the connector's data sheet/source.

  5. Name of the field would be shown in CDP 365 Data Source.

  6. Data Type of the field

  7. There are two option of Treat as:

  • Attribute: This field would be used as the attribute.

  • Measure: This field would be used as a measurable field in data source. The aggregation for this calculation is at step (15)

  1. If the Treat as at step (14) is Measure, there are some options of aggregation can be selected as following:

  1. Input the description for a field.

  2. Click Apply to use the selected field of the data sheet/source and finish creating a new Data source. The detail of created data source will be displayed as below.

To View/Edit a data source, please see in this link.

  1. Click Cancel or to cancel the field selection and close the popup.

Last updated