How to create a Web personalization journey?

STEP 1: Go to Web personalization

  • Hover your mouse over Marketing and go to the Web Personalize menu

  • Choose an account you want to be the creator of the journey -> Click Select

STEP 2: Configure the Journey

Trigger node

For Web personalize, the trigger node is always Action-based type, meaning the Journey is triggered by the event of audiences.

Journey Schedule

It's the time running the journey.

  • Start date: The date and time a journey will start running

  • Close date: The date and time a journey will stop running

  • Trigger time: The time when the journey stops or allows receiving the audience.

-> All time: The journey will always receive audience

--> Specific days of the week: The journey will only receive audience in a set period of time

For example: The journey displaying a pop-up on a website only from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM every day during its lifetime. The setting should be . If you adjust the time on Everyday, it will automatically apply for all days of the week.

Trigger when visitor

Set the conditions of the chosen event that an audience must satisfied.

  • Select event: Choose the event you want

  • In any source of: Choose the domain where the event happened. After selecting an event, CDP 365 will propose a list of sources that have the event.

  • Where: Filter the selected event. It could combine many conditions by AND logic

General settings

Limit the times an audience enters the journey

  • Unlimited frequency: Allow audiences to enter the journey unlimitedly

  • Limited frequency: Limit the times an audiences entering the journey

For example, a journey aims to show a pop-up for whom view more than 3 items per hour and a user could only views the pop-up once during the whole journey. The setting should be

Action node

Allow filtering of the audiences entering a journey that help the journey customize the marketing messages.

As for Web personalization, there are 5 available node:

Action nodeDescription

The journey continues after a set of time

The journey breaks into branches and an audience enters a branch only

Filter the audience being in the journey

Conduct A/B testing

The journey breaks into branches and an audience enters all branches

To add Action node, there are 2 ways:

  • Drag and drop the node you want

  • Click and choose the node you want

Destination nodes

It's a marketing output of the journey. As for Web personalization, it's the media that will be displayed in a website (pop-up, banner, floating bar, etc).

  1. Add destination node: the action is the same as Action node.

  2. Choose the method to design the template

a. Design From Template

  • Settings

Campaign Name

Delivery Destination

Delivery Algorithm

Display Ad Zone

Content Placement

Zone's display priority

  • Compose

Variant Name

Select template

b. Load existing design

c. Create from JSON

STEP 3: Save and activate the Journey

  • Choose Save to save the setting of the Journey

  • Choose Activate to start running the Journey

Last updated