
The module solves


Increase the confidentiality of data in portal

Set the date and times, the languages, the notifications and limitation in portal

set up permission on the objects that portal are being

Manage accounts on portal

Features are provided by CDP 365

Share my account with other users

Data Encryption

Data Encryption set the data of audiences in CDP 365 more confidential.

There are two tabs

  • Decrypt Permission tab manages accounts that could view the details of encrypted data.

  • Encrypted Fields tab manages attributes of the Customer or Visitor Business Objects that are encrypted.

To decrypt the data, please follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the 'Add more field' button.

  • Step 2: Check the boxes accordingly.

  • Step 3: Navigate to the Customer Business Object, select the encrypted data, and click on the option to decrypt it.

  • Step 4: Enter your login information.

  • Step 5: If you wish to decrypt all other encrypted attributes, check the corresponding box.

General Settings

The app includes 3 tabs

  • Default Settings tab manages the language, time zone, date and time, and currency format for all accounts in CDP 365

  • Limitation tab gives warnings about the time to delete data if it is disabled or archived. The time is different between features.

  • Notification tab sets which accounts and which channels would receive notifications when someone interacts with a feature.


There are two ways of using this app

  • Create a role for a group of accounts, for example, super admin is a role that can access and edit any features in CDP 365, or Marketing Team is a role that can access and edit apps of Marketing Hub.

  • Grant a role for a group of accounts.

Create a role

  • Set the configuration

    • Name and code of the role. The code is generated by the name

    • Permission manages permission and grant permission by menus

      • Permission includes the ability of an account to view and edit menus

      • Grant permission is the permission of an account that could grant the permission for other accounts

    • Select users allows adding accounts in CDP 365 that could receive this role.

To edit the role

  • Click the name of the role

  • Change the configuration

  • Click Save

Grant a role

A role can be granted

  • If in the creation of the role, 'Select users' to grant the role

  • If the role was created, go to Accounts


This app allows

  • Creating a new account

  • Managing accounts

  • Granting permission to an account

Create a new account

  • Click create icon

  • Set the configuration

    • Email is the email of the account to be created

    • Request verify email, the account is active only when the user verifies via email

    • Account type has account and manager account

      • Account is a normal account that has permissions only when manager account grants them

      • Manager account has a primary account that has authority to grant permission to others

  • Click SAVE

Manage accounts

An account could be inactive or removed if

  • Click a cell on the left of the account

  • Go to EDIT

  • Select a status the account is aimed to change

Grant permission

  • Click an account

  • Open the settings of the account including 3 tabs

    • Summary tab includes the configuration of the account

    • Permission tab includes the role in which the account is granted

    • Account sharing tab manages the emails which have the right to use this account

The app shows features provided by CDP 365.

Account Sharing

This app allows sharing an account with other emails. It also limits the permissions of those emails to use modules in CDP 365.

Last updated