March 2022
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These are the features and improvements released during the month of March 2022
Admin tool is an application used to assist CDP 365 administrators in creating a new portal, or updating the installation information of an existing portal.
Admin tool is divided into 2 main parts:
Template management: this is an application that allows administrators to define information/feature templates that need to be declared when creating a new portal. For example, based on field of activity, a portal needs a specific and default set of business objects to function properly → these default business objects will be defined in the template section, and specified to initialize when creating a new portal.
Portal management: this is an application that allows the institute administrator to create a new portal, as well as manage and update the settings of existing portals on the CDP 365 system.
Relationship between Template Management & Portal Management
When creating a new portal, in order for CDP365's applications to work properly, the system needs to initialize some default information corresponding to each application. For example, for a Business Object application, the system needs to automatically initialize some information including the default set of BOs (Location, Segment, Customer, ...) and the default set of attributes of each of these BOs, specifically:
In the current portal creation process, the default information of each application is read from the config sheets.
In the new process, these default credentials will be generated by the admin through the Template Management feature of the admin tool.
When there is a need to update the default information of an application, for example adding a default attribute "Product Type" to BO "Product", then:
In the current process, the admin will add the information of the "Product Type" attribute to the BO "Product" config sheet, then rerun the command to initialize the default attributes of the BO "Product"
In the new process, the admin will use the Template Management application to create a new attribute "Product", then go to the settings of portal to add this attribute to the BO "Product"
Bringing the default information of applications from the current process to the Template Management Tool offers the following advantages:
The process of initializing/updating the portal's default information is simpler and more flexible → Shorten the time and effort of system operators.
Limit human errors when filling out config sheets.
Reduce the number of people that need to be involved in the portals creation/update process
Structure of Template Management Tool
Feature templates: are default information templates corresponding to each feature that needs to be initialized when creating/editing portal.
For example: When creating a new portal, the system needs to initialize the default set of BOs of the system such as Country, Journey, Customer, .. and the default set of attributes corresponding to each BO. These information (BO and attributes) will be defined on the admin tool, through the Feature templates feature.
Along with the development of CDP 365, the demand for Feature templates will be correspondingly expanded on the Admin tool.
For example: Currently, when creating a new portal, the system only needs the default information of the following 3 applications: Event Source, BO, AM, ... → The Admin tool will provide a tool to create feature templates for these 3 applications .
However, later, when creating a new portal, the system also needs to initialize some default Journey → On the Admin tool, it will be equipped with a tool to create a feature template for the Journey application.
Create feature template:
Creating a feature template on the admin tool is done in the same way as on the Product environment, but there will be additional settings to serve the unique needs of the admin tool (Administration settings).
The settings of the admin settings section will be compatible with each feature (Attribute, BO, AM, AM Field, etc...)
When the template is used to initialize a portal, the Admin settings section will not appear in the product environment.
Feature Template Validation Rules:
Rules for checking the validity when creating a new template or editing the settings of a feature template: when admin creates or edits a feature template on admin tool and asks to save this template → the system will show a popup asking if the admin wants to apply this template to available industries and portals or not.
Case 1: the new/edited template does not have the same identifier, Name & Internal code, with any object previously created by the end-user in the portals environment → System will allow admin to apply this template on all industries & portals.
Case 2: the new/edited template has the same identifier, one of the two information - Name & Internal code (if any), with any object previously created by the end-user in the portals environment → Now , the system will classify industries and portals that can apply this template into groups of cases and allow admins to check and choose the desired treatment.
Industry template
Listing industry
Create industry template
General Info
Assign information: Event source, Event Template, Business Object, Analytic Model
Create new portal:
Create information templates to use when creating a feature (feature templates).
Define industry templates and select specific information from feature templates.
Create a new portal by specifying the field of activity (industry template) → Inherit the specific information to be initialized of that field.
Steps to install information when creating a new Portal:
Fill in the general information of the Portal, eg Name, Owner, Preferences…
Choose a suitable business field, with Ecommerce, Retail, Education,... to inherit the default initialization information set of that field.
Check and adjust the information that will be initialized by default when the portal is created, eg Event & Source set, BOs & Attributes set.
Proceed to create portal with the provided information. In this step, the system will check the validity of the installation information, and only allow to create a new portal if the information is valid.
Update existing portal:
Ways to update portal settings in Admin Tool:
Direct update: In the admin tool, the admin goes to the detailed settings of a portal and edits the settings
Update via feature templates:
In case Create a new template: On the admin tool, when the admin creates a new template → System will ask the admin if he wants to apply the template to existing portals and industries.
In case of editing the template: On the admin tool, when the admin changes the information of a template → System will ask if the admin wants to apply this change to the portals that this template has previously initialized.
General Info:
Initialized Info: Admin is not allowed to remove the created information, but only be allowed to create new information. Specifically:
After a portal A is created, default initialized objects cannot be deleted.
Although an initialized object cannot be deleted, an admin can edit certain settings information of that object through the object's template and update this change on portals that use the object.
Portal listing
Only apply for 3 tabs: All Journeys, All Campaigns, All Variants
Click on "CALENDAR" icon to switch to Calendar mode
Demand: when sending an sms with a link, the customer does not want to record the event when the user clicks on the link.
Solution: create a feature for users to insert macro none tracking link.