November 2023



Remove Visitors

Users are now able to delete the data of Visitors according to their demand. Because of the importance of the action, users must enter the account password to continue the deletion process.

How to remove Visitors/ Customers data?

Process the event from Line & Zalo vendor

CDP 365 is able to receive the event fired from Line and Zalo which allows users to collect more data of interaction from those platforms and use them as trigger events for Customer Journeys.

See how to view the data of events in a specific Event Source here

Event Settings

To optimize the performance of CDP 365 and better manage the data from events in a specific Event Source, the Event Settings tab was added. In this tab, there are three new options:

  • Used for product recommendation

  • Streaming to Customer Journeys

  • Record event data in Visitors/ Customers profiles

See more details here

Custom personalization attribute

Aside from the standard dynamic content used, users are now able to add an attribute using customized functions and choose its output format.


Stay tuned for new features to be released next month

  • Zalo OA Message Templates - Provide various built-in message templates to send via Zalo channel

  • Template's Objective - Categorize Email & Media Template according to you business purposes

  • Data Access Control - Secure your data by control account access permission

  • Blast Campaign - Create a campaign with simplier steps

  • Predictive Model - Life Cycle Stage Model - Categorize buyers and non-buyers

Last updated