

Plannings allows the simulation of a result got from a combination of segments.

Without Plannings, it takes more time and resources to build the combination.

For example, a journey targets the audiences who

  • Loyal customers

  • Revenue more than $3,000 in 2021

  • Didn't make revenue in the first half of 2022

  • Made $4,000 in the last half of 2022

WIthout Plannings

Step 1: Create a loyal customer segment (segment 1)

Step 2: Create the segment for those who made revenue of more than $3,000 in 2021 (segment 2) and include segment 1. The combination of two segments is called segment A

Step 3: Create the segment for those who made a revenue in the first half of 2022 (segment 3). Segment A excludes segment 3 to have segment B

Step 4: Create the segment for those who made $4,000 in the last half of 2022 (segment 4) and include segment B.

With Plannings

Use Plannings to create the simulation of segment 1, segment 2, segment 3, and segment 4; and explore the final result before actually building it.

Planning types

There are two types of Plannings

  • Customer Plan is used the data of the Customer Business Object to build

  • Visitor Plan is used the data of the Visitor Business Object to build.

Planning types


The configuration of a plan includes

  • General information has Plan name and Description

  • Group is the audience segment

  • The combination logic between Groups includes 'Extend more people' and 'Exclude people'. A plan could have more than one group combined by the logic.

The configuration


Member input method and Segment member

The meaning of these settings are as similar to the settings of a segment.

However, Member input method includes Condition and Matching file only.


The feature allows creating a statistical report of the group.

Explore a Group

The logic

A Group could combine with other Groups by including or excluding logic.

By clicking the icon, it switches the logic between 'extend more people' and 'exclude people'.

Change the combination logic

Other actions

  • save the settings of a group having two options

    • 'Save as new segment' is to save the Group as a new segment in Segments app

    • 'Load to existing segment' is to replace an existing segment with the settings of the Group

  • collapse the settings of a Group

Save and Expand/Collapse the settings of a Group

The combination logic

The plan has Group A includes Group B excludes Group C. The explanation is

  • Group B means the audiences of Group A include the audiences of Group B

  • Group C means the audiences combined by Group A and Group B exclude the audiences of Group C.


Explore of Plannings

Explore of Group and Explore of Plan have the same function but

  • Explore of Group demonstrates the data of a Group

  • Explore of Plan demonstrates the data combined by Groups


  • is the time CDP 365 created the data of Explore

  • includes 2 options:

    • Private template save the report for the logged-in account

    • Public template save the report for everyone accessing CDP 365

    • Besides, Manage template manages the private templates and public templates.

  • select charts for the report

  • filter for the report

  • The settings of the chart

  • a report could have more than one tab. A tab is a page of the report.

Last updated