How to send messages using OneWay SMS destination?

STEP 1 - Create One Way destination

1. Open Channel Integration

Choose SMS Destination >> Create a new Destination

3. Choose SMS category

4. Fill the necessary information

General information

  • Destination Name

  • Description

  • Destination Catalog: Choose My One Way SMS

  • Method: Choose Send

Configure fields

  • User Name: Your user name on One Way

  • Password: Your password on One Way

  • Base URL: The URL of your account on One Way

General Setting

Frequency Capping

Frequency Capping settings allows users to limit the times an audiences receiving a marketing message.


Ignore duplicate messages for the scheduled journey

One audience just receive one message in an iteration of journey schedule

Limit frequency for the journey (3 months duration)

Limit allocation frequency to 1 audience in a journey for 3 months

(Ex: 2 times/person)

Limit frequency for destination

Limit allocation frequency to 1 audience per unit of time (hour, day, etc.)

(Ex: 3 times/month, 1 times/day)

Delivered rate

Delivered rate setting allows users to limit the number of messages sent per second for a specific Destination.


As fast as possible

The maximum number of marketing messages sent per second will depend on the system possibility.

Limit send rate {x} time(s) per second

The number of marketing messages sent per second will be set by user.

(Ex: You are creating a destination for G Suite Email, the value you set is 100. That means only 100 emails will be sent per second.)

5. Click Save to save the Destination

STEP 2: Create a Customer Journey

1. Hover your mouse over Marketing

  • Choose Orchestration

Or Marketing >> SMS

2. Click + button to create a new Customer Journey.

Then configure the Trigger Node

Journey schedule

Trigger Journey

  • Once: The journey will run only 1 time

  • By hour/day/week/month: The Journey will run hourly/ daily/ weekly/ monthly

Trigger time - The time Journey will start running

  • At a specific date & time: Choose the date and time the journey will start

  • Right after the journey activated: The journey will run after you click Activate

Include/ Exclude Audiences

  • Choose the audiences who are able/not able to go to the Journey

General Settings

Limit the time an audience would receive a ticket

  • Unlimited frequency: The audience will receive as many ticket as the journey run

  • Limited frequency: The audience will receive {x} ticket per day/week/month/lifetime

3. Add Action node (optional)

4. Add and configure Destination node

Click + to add Destination node -> Choose My One Way SMS

Choose Design from scratch

Design the campaign:

  1. Settings

  • Campaign Name

  • Delivery Destination: Choose the destination you created in STEP 1

  • Delivery Algorithm

  • Delivery Hours of the Day: Choose the time you want to send the messages

  1. Compose

  • Variant Name: The name of the message template

5. Save and Activate the Journey

  • Click Save to save the Journey

  • Click Activate to start running the Journey

Last updated