Schedule Custom Function

Use formulas for advanced calculations based on computed attributes

The Schedule Custom Function attribute allows attribute data to be built by schedule. It is strongly convenient and reduces the time to compute when there is a request from the user ( Data Object Data-table, Segment, Journey, AM...)

Schedule Custom Function Configure

General Information

  • Object: the corresponding Object that you chose to create the attribute

  • Group attribute: Group contains attributes that have the same characteristic or usage. See more about Groups

  • Attribute type: type of attribute you chose to create

  • Attribute name: name of the attribute

  • Attribute internal code: code of the attribute

  • Description: information describes the attribute

Note: the attribute code does not allow prefixes: number_, sgmt_, aud_

Edit Info

  • Function: You can enter functions or drag the suggested on the right of the Function list or Available Attributes

    • Function list: includes Operators, string, Math, Calendar/Date, Expression

    • Available Attributes: contains a list of available attributes that the user can use in Function

  • Data type of function output: the data type of function output such as Number, String, Datetime. See more about Data Type

  • Display function output: display format for the output of the function, it depends on the data type of function output. See more about Display Format

  • Attribute usage setting:

    • Enable Data Encryption: mark data encoding for this attribute

CDP 365 supports different functions corresponding with each data type

Computation schedule

The schedule that the attribute is computed

See more about the Computation Schedule

Notification Setup

  • Account: set up account(s) receiving notification

  • Notify options: the notification can be sent by email or pushed notification when the computation completes success or fail

Last updated