How to push notification using Antsomi Web Push in CDP 365?

Antsomi Web Push destination allows Antsomi to send web-push notification on you website. To do so, follow the instruction below:

STEP 1 - Create Antsomi Web Push destination

1. Log in to CDP 365. Hover your mouse over Settings. Choose Channel Integration.

2. Click button and select Web Push

3. Choose the Destination Catalog: Antsomi Web Push.

You could create ONLY one Antsomi Web Push destination. "Antsomi Web Push" option will disappear if you already created one.

Then fill in the necessary information for the destination.

General Information

  • Destination name: Input destination name. Destination name can be entered in multiple languages. This is required field.

  • Description: Input destination description. Destination description can be entered in multiple languages. This is optional field.

  • Destination catalog: In the dropdown list, select Antsomi Web Push.

  • Method: Select Push in the dropdown list


After filling General Information, the screen will display the Configuration of this destination as below

Follow the below instructions to complete the configuration:

1. General Information: The descriptive fields for this destination

2. Configure fields: Choose audiences who will receive the web-push notification. For this destination, follow below steps to choose antsomi webpush uid attribute in Visitor Data Object.

  • Click on icon personalization

  • After clicking on the icon, pop up Add Personalization is displayed as shown below. Select the appropriate information.

antsomi_webpush_uid may have different name but the internal code must be antsomi_webpush_uid

3. Site Setup

Site name: Input website name. This is required field. The default name to call your site used in push notifications.

Site URL: Input website URL. This is required field. Your website URL including:

  • http:// or https://

  • www or non-www links (e.g.,

Auto Re-subscribe (HTTPS Only): Allows push subscribers to automatically re-subscribe upon returning to your site without being prompted if they clear their browser data

Default Icon URL:

  • Icon used for the Slide Prompt and default for push notifications.

  • Enter an https icon URL or upload file that is square 256x256 pixels.

  • The file must be .png, .jpg, or .gif.

4. Permission Prompt Setup

  • This section allows you to set up the permission and frequency to prompt the notification. To edit Permission, click on and adjust the setting in the pop-up appeared.

Prompt type

Push Slide Prompt

a. Customize Slide Prompt Text: Turn it on to edit the content of your notification

b. Auto Prompt: Customize the time to show the notification.

  • Show after: Show the notification after {x} amount of a page is viewed/loaded on the screen

  • And delay: Show the notification {x} seconds after user visits the amount of page adjusted above

c. Auto Repeat after click on Later: Adjust the time to show the notification again if user click Button 1 (Later)

d. Categories: This feature allows you to add many checkbox options in the notification so you could the categories to be presented to the audience. After clicking Positive button, the selected options will be recorded.

  • Label: The description of the option

  • Tag Key: The name of the option to be recorded in the data

  • Update instructions: Input the new instructions for the notification

  • Positive button: Input the text of the button which will record the data after user click

  • Negative button: Input the text of the button which will skip the notification

5. Welcome Notification

Customize a push notification which is sent immediately to current user upon subscribing to your site for the first time.

  • Title: The title of the notification

  • Message: The content of the notification

  • Link: Enter a landing page you want to direct user after clicking on the notification

6. Advanced Push Settings (Optional)

Click Behaviour

Supports several different possible browser behaviors when users click on your notifications.

Support: Chorme, Firefox, Safari (on mobile only support Safari version greater than 16.3.1)

If users do not have your site open on any browser tabs, and click on a notification that takes them to your site, the browser will open a new tab and navigate to the notification's URL.

If users have your site open on one or more browser tabs, and click on a notification that takes them to your site, there are several possible ways the browser can behave that you can configure:

  • Exact Navigate (default) - If the notification's exact URL (e.g. matches a tab that the browser already has open, the browser will navigate to the notification's URL in that tab.

  • Origin Navigate - If the notification's origin (e.g. matches a tab that the browser already has open, the browser will navigate to the notification's URL in that tab.

  • Exact Focus - If the notification's exact URL (e.g. matches a tab that the browser already has open, the browser will focus on that tab, but not refresh the page.

  • Origin Focus - If the notification's origin (e.g. matches a tab that the browser already has open, the browser will focus on that tab, but not refresh the page

Website Tracking Script

  • This script is used to attach to the source of the website to push notifications

4. Click

Save to finish creating the Antsomi Web Push destination

STEP 2 - Attach Website Tracking Script of Antsomi Web Push Destination to Website Source

Copy this tracking script and paste into your website's <head>

STEP 3 - Add service workers for the website.

  • The sw.js file must be publicly accessible and can be placed at the top-level root of your site.

  • If sw.js file already exists then add below script to file:


STEP 4 - Create Visitor Subscribed Segment

1. Hover your mouse over Profiles and go to the Segments menu

2. Click button and select Visitor Segment

3. Fill in the necessary information for the segment

Fill in the necessary information for the segment.

Condition: The attribute record subscriber ID (example: antsomi webpush uid) is exists.

4. Click Save to finish creating the Visitor Subscribed segment

STEP 5 - Pushing notification using Antsomi Web Push via Customer Journey

  • Log into CDP 365 system. Hover your mouse over Marketing and go to All Channels menu.

  • We have 2 channels that supporting to send:

    • Web Push

    • Orchestration

  • Click on to create journey.

  • In Schedule trigger node, Include Audience section, select Visitor Segment then choose Visitor subscribed segment has created.

  • Add Destination node and select Antsomi Web Push destination

  • Select the Antsomi Web Push destination that you have created before

  • Fill out necessary information

  • Click Save button to finish setting journey

After finishing the setting, we can click activate to start running the journey.

Last updated