Tree map reference

How to use and configure tree map charts.

A treemap shows your data organized into dimension hierarchies. For example, you can use a treemap to show the average annual sales of each item in a product category > subcategory > product hierarchy.

Treemaps in Insights

Data in a treemap is displayed in "branches" (also called "nodes"). Each branch can have zero or more sub-branches, and one parent branch (except for the root, which has no parents). Each branch is displayed as a rectangle, sized and colored according to the values in your data. Sizes and colors are valued relative to all other branches in the graph.

Treemaps are a good hypothesis-generation tool because they can help expose the relative importance of, and the relationship between, different entities.

Treemap examples

The treemap below shows the sales of a fictional store. The label of the branch comes from 2 dimensions Material and Size.

Here's how the underlying data for this chart is organized:

Configure the chart

Select the chart, then on the right, use the properties panel to configure the chart options.

Data properties

The options in a chart's data properties panel affect how the data is organized and displayed.

Data source

A data source provides the connection between the component and the underlying data set. Data source options are:

  • To change the chart's data source, click the current data source name.

  • Click +BLEND DATA to see data from multiple data sources in the same chart. Learn more about data blending.

Levels to show

The Levels to show option determines the granularity of the chart. For example, the sample chart above has Levels to show set to 2, causing it to show two levels of detail (Material and Size).

Setting Levels to show to 1 causes the chart to display only one level of detail (Material):

Drill down

This option appears on charts that support drill down.

Drilling down gives viewers a way to reveal additional levels of detail within a chart. When you turn on Drill down, each dimension you add becomes another level of detail you can drill into. Learn more about chart drill down.

What's the difference between drill down and levels to show?

Drill down lets you focus on a specific level of detail, while Levels to show controls how many levels of detail appear in the treemap. For example, here's the result of drilling down into the chart above. Note that it now displays only one level of detail, but that level is now the Material level.

Total rows

Treemaps can display from 5 to 5000 rows of data.

Default date range

The default date range property lets you set a timeframe for an individual chart.

Default date range options


Use the default date range determined by the chart's data source.


Lets you use the calendar widget to select a custom date range for the chart.

Date compare type

Displays comparison data for the selected time period.


The filter property restricts the data displayed in the component by including or excluding the values you specify. Learn more about the filter property.

Filter options

Filter name

+Add a filter

Creates a new filter for the chart.


When interactions are enabled on a chart, that charts acts like a filter controls. You can filter the report by clicking or "brushing" your mouse across the chart. Learn more about chart interaction filters.

Style properties

A chart's style properties control the overall presentation and appearance of the chart.


Max color value

Set the color for the highest metric value.

Mid color value

Set the color for the median metric value.

Min color value

Set the color for the minimum metric value.

Show branch header

Show or hide the parent branches.

Show scale

Show or hide the chart scale, which appears above the treemap. To see the scale in action, hover over different branches in the chart.


Set the font color, font size, and font family for text in the chart.

Background and border

These options control the appearance of the chart background container.


Sets the chart background color.

Border Radius

Adds rounded borders to the chart background. When the radius is 0, the background shape has 90° corners. Border radius of 100° produces a circular shape.


Sets the chart's opacity. 100% opacity completely hides objects behind the chart. 0% opacity makes the chart invisible.

Border Color

Sets the chart border color.

Border Weight

Sets the chart border line thickness.

Border Style

Sets the chart border line style.

Add border shadow

Adds a shadow to the chart lower and right borders.

Chart Header

The chart header lets viewers perform various actions on the chart, such as exporting the data, drilling up or down, and viewing the chart in the Explorer tool. Chart header options are:

Show on hover (default)

Three vertical dots appear when you mouse over the chart header. Click these to access the header options.

Always show

The header options always appear.

Do not show

The header options never appear. Note that report viewers can always access the options by right clicking the chart.


Set the color of the chart header options.

  • Filter property

Last updated