Live Preview

In the live preview Area, you can point-and-click any area you’ve added blocks so that you can edit the wording of your campaigns. This can mean changing an image, a tagline, the placeholder value for the fields, and more. When you click on the block, the menu on the left will update so that you can make your changes.

Column Blocks

Add a Column block

You can click to start adding column blocks OR click the button (on the right of the screen), drag and drop column block


Column blocks include Column, Text, Image, Button, Optin fields, Yes/No, Count down, Video, Spacer, Divider, Icon, HTML, Slide show, Group, Rating

Saved Blocks

  • Saved blocks allow you to quickly re-use your same designed custom blocks when creating new campaigns.

  • When blocks are saved, they will live in the home sidebar panel of the campaign builder’s Design view.

  • Create Saved Block:

    • In the Design view of the campaign builder, hover over and select the Save icon for any block in your campaign you would like to re-use later on

    • In the popup modal that appears, give your new block a custom Name and add a note to describe it (optional). Click OK to finish.

You can see more about the Setting of Standards block

Move a column block

You can move a block by hovering, clicking , holding the mouse, and moving the block to the desired position

Make a copy of a column block

You can move a block by hovering and clicking

Remove a column block

You can move a block by flowing the steps:

  1. Hovering and clicking

  2. Clicking on the confirmation popup

Setting of a column block

You can configure a block by hovering, clicking and adjusting the setting on the right of the screen. See more about the setting of a column block

Last updated