November 2022
These are the features and improvements released during the month of Oct 2022
Media template & Email template - Notify when there is an invalid element in the template
Display the error message when clicking save but on the template, there are invalid components (in BO settings, Block)
In blocks, a warning icon will be displayed if there is an error.
The fields in the settings of the components will show detailed error messages.
Data Hub - Event source - Open auto-suggestion setting for Event attribute
Add Auto suggestion checkbox for event attribute
All - Displays the DateTime fields according to the portal's time zone on the object list and object details page
On the list of objects page, the DateTime fields such as: created date, last modified on, ... display information according to the portal timezone.
In the object details page, time fields such as: start date, start time, end date, ... display information by portal timezone and display timezone labels to know that this field is being retrieved by timezone any.
Customer Journey - Add “add personalization” feature to “Viber yondu” destination
Insight - Report - Pages & Navigation bar
Personas - Segment - Add the “Next computed on” column and rename “Computation status” column to “Last computation status” column
Rename "Computation status" column to "Last computation status" column
Add the "Next computed on" column to display the time for the next computation
Media template & Email template - Add feature set index for Slide show block and Column block
When adding a dynamic block to a slide or column, the default will get the index of that slide/column for the dynamic block.
Add the SetIndex function to automatically set the index of dynamic blocks for all slides/columns, the index will be within the specified range. All dynamic blocks in the same slide/column will have the same index. Note: Index limit to 90.
Data Hub - Business Object - Change the label "Import Histories" to “Upload Histories”
Data Hub - Event source - Add “Associate with UTM” checkbox in Setting tab
When this check box is enabled, the data of the UTM, if any, will be automatically recorded to the ATM
Insight & Dataflow - Datasource - Add Google Analytics V4 Datasource
IAM - Limitation & Default Notify của Portal
Added 2 more tabs: Limitation and Notification in the detail page of Network.
Limitation: Set limits for objects in the portal
Notification: Set up notifications for objects in the portal.
Customer Journey - Send time limit for send/push channels
Push/send channels will have an additional "Delivery Hours of the Day" field to choose the time of day to send. Includes 2 options:
All time: as now, unlimited delivery time.
Specific hours of the day: Choose a specific time of day for delivery
Hold until next valid time frame: If the data has not been sent, it will wait until the next valid time frame and send again.
Skip deliver at invalid time frame: If it has not yet been sent, it will skip sending those data
Personas & Data Hub - Add "Enable, Disable, Archive, Recover" action and automatically switch status Disable/ Archive/ Permanently delete for Business Object, BO Attributes & Collections/Segment
Add actions: Enable, Disable, Archive, Recover in the list of BOs, BO Attributes and Collections/Segment
Enable: Enable disabled or archived BO/ BO attributes/ Collections/Segment
Disable: Disable enabled BO/ BO attributes/ Collections/Segment
Archive: Archive enabled or disabled BO/ BO attribute/ Collections/Segment
Recover: Recover archived BO/ BO attribute/ Collections/Segment becomes enabled or disabled BO/ BO attribute/ Collections/Segment.
Automatically change the status of the BOs/ BO attributes/ Collections/Segment to disabled, archived or permanently deleted.
BO/BO Attribute/ Collections/Segment will change status when not used after X days
X days will be set in the Limitation of the network
Media template - Add the Get top algorithm to the Product-based group
Get top algorithm allows getting as many products based on an attribute.
Media template & Email template - Add the Notify algorithm to the Product-Based group
Send notifications to users for products that the user has subscribed to or added to a wishlist under certain conditions.
Media template - Improvements to the Display condition feature
Change the Condition's options of Column block and Slideshow block to
All - Operator matches any - Add comma as thousands separator
Marketing Hub - Destination - Add "eSMS" & "ZaloOA" destination
Customer Journey - Add BO Promotion Code into Add personalization in Customer Journey settings
Allow end users to apply BO Promotion code when setting add personalization in Destination node of the journey
MediaTemplate - Create Table Block For MediaTemplate
Allow end users to add dynamic content to tables and apply sorts and filters to deliver target Marketing messages
Allow end users to edit styles of content
Media template - Add toggle allows turning on and off thumbnail capture
Turn on: capture thumbnail
Turn off: don’t capture thumbnail
Media template - Add Limited submit option to Optin fields block
Limit the number of submitting information within a hour/day/month based on phone number, email address or name
Allow applying up to 3 limitations per optin fields block
Data Hub - Event source - Add table and chart to event detail viewing
When viewing details of an event, 2 new tabs appear:
Event log: history details of the event that CDP tracks
The time range of the chart last from the last 5 minutes to the last 6 hours
The table of histories provide two types of event: received and rejected
Event attributes: details of event attributes assigned to the event
Dataflow - Add the "Zalo Official Account" datasource
Description: get a list of interested users Official Account
Data Hub - Event sources - Add a new attribute ‘Time to live’
When viewing details of an event, 2 new tabs appear
Time to live: adjust the time that CDP storages values of the event
CDP stores the values of an event for up to 730 days, which is set by default
Time to live allows adjusting the storage time within the limited storage time
After adjusting the storage time, CDP applies a new storage time to all sources using this event
The attribute requires to be filled
Data Hub - Analytic models - Add "unique sketch" and improve build AM
Add measure type Unique Count Approximate (Datasketches)
Display ID of reference objetcts
Add Treat as attribute when selecting BO for AM
MediaTemplate - Add Option Do not stack on mobile for Column Block
Apply only to Mobile mode
Responsive design
Includes 1 toggle ‘Do not stack on Mobile’ - turning on or off stacking on mobile view when the design is intended to display on Desktop type
Align column on a column to make components shown fit Mobile
Media template & Email template - Load event trigger and source when choosing Distance algorithm of BO Settings
Load the event and the source which are selected in the Action-based trigger when applying the Distance algorithm
Customer - Journey - Change Zoom settings flow chart
Change step each increase or decrease to 5%
Last updated
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