
I - Overview

Line App destination allows you to connect CDP 365 with Line Official Account and determine the desired message template to be used in Customer Journey.

II - Detailed Instruction

To create a new destination, do as follow:

  • Follow 2 steps to set the information for the destination

STEP 1 - General Information

Fields that having the red asterisk * are consider required fields, you must fill the information to be able to move to the next step.


General Information

Destination Name *

The name of the destination. You could choose any language you want


Enter whatever you want to describe the destination

Configure fields

Receiver *

Enter a specific Receiver's Line ID or attribute which determine Receiver's Line ID based on your need

Token *

Your token key in Line App

General Settings

Frequency Capping Delivered rate

See the description of each option here

STEP 2 - Choose A Template

  • CDP 365 provides many built-in message templates to help you diversify the content sent to your audience, so in this step, choose any templates you want to be used in Customer Journeys.

  • Click to finish the process

Last updated