The performance metrics of the journey
Default performance metrics
Number of messages distributed by CDP 365 to the third party
Number of messages successfully distributed by a third party
Delivered Rate
Distribution success rate. Calculated by the formula:
Delivered Rate = Delivered/ Sent * 100
Bounces & Errors
The number of messages distributes failed, including causes:
The requested content from CDP 365 is not valid for the third party requesting (Invalid send requests)
Request body from CDP 365 sent to third party failed due to connection error (Connection timeout errors)
the third party error failed to distribute content to the receiver (Hard Bounce & Soft Bounce)
Bounce & Error Rate
Distribution failure rate. Calculated by the formula
Bounce & Error Rate = Bounces & Errors/ Sent * 100
Invalid sent requests
The request number from CDP 365 is not valid for the third party requesting
Hard bounces
Permanently returned error. This error is returned for unmodifiable reasons such as:
The email address does not exist
User's Email Server Blocked Incoming Mail Completely
Many other reasons
Soft bounces
Temporary return error. This error occurs when there are temporary problems like:
Inbox is full
The recipient's mailbox has stopped working
Content is too big
The domain name does not exist
Many other reasons
Number of times the receiver opened the content
Open Rate
Percentage of recipients who open content. Calculated by the formula:
Open Rate = Opens/ Delivered * 100
The number of times the recipient clicked on the distributed message
Click Rate
Percentage of recipients clicking on the distributed message. Calculated by the formula:
Click Rate = Clicks/ Delivered * 100
CTR (Click through rate)
Click-through rate of content opens. Calculated by the formula
CTR = Clicks/ Opens * 100
The metrics of "Web Personalization" channel
The number of times the content is displayed on the Web
A digital advertising metric that measures “seen” impressions. Essentially, it only reports impressions that can actually be viewed.
Viewability Rate
The percentage of ads that are actually seen by a user. Calculated by the formula: Viewability Rate = Viewability/ Impressions
Number of clicks by audience
Web Click Rate
Calculated by the formula Click Rate
Web Click Rate = Clicks/ Impressions * 100
Click-through rate of content views.
Web CTR = Web Click/ Viewability * 100
Table of supported metrics by channel
Delivered Rate
Bounces & Errors
Bounce & Error Rate
Invalid sent requests
Hard bounces
Soft bounces
Open Rate
Click Rate
CTR (Click through rate)
Viewability Rate
Last updated