Set up Dataflow using Google sheet Data Source to update Customer data on CDP

1. Log into the CDP system. After logging in, click the menu in the left corner of the screen

2. Select the menu as follows: "DATAFLOWS" -> "Dataflows"

3. Click ‘+’ Bank Dataflow

4. Select a Google sheet Data source containing the customer data you want to update

You can see how to create a new Google sheet Data Source here

Click “Create dataflow” after you have selected Data source

5. Select the necessary fields for your data push

6. Add "Add column" node to build Customer ID data

Customer ID will be encrypted from the phone number

Use "MD5" or "ENCODE_SHA256" function

  • Example when using "ENCODE_SHA256" function

  • Example when using "MD5" function

6. Add “Destination channel” node -> Select the Business Object destination channel that you created before

Note: you can see how to create a Business Object destination channel here

7. Select "Customer" Object and Set up the necessary information to push data into the Customer Business object

8. Save your Dataflow


Used to view setup information in dataflows and setup execution time

After clicking "Turn on", the data changes status from "Paused" to "Active"

Force Run: Used to run immediately without timeout in dataflows

Last updated