How to display template on website using CDP 365

1. Select the menu as follows: "MARKETING HUB" -> "Customer Journeys"

3. Select an event at "Action-based Trigger" node

Select an event that you want (When this event is called on your website, the template will be displayed). The default will be "View page" event.

4. You can add some node actions if you want (depending on your needs)

5. Add "Web Embedded" destination

6. Fill in the necessary information

  • "Delivery Destination": Select a destination of "Web Personalization" type

  • "Display Ad Zone":

    • The default will be Pinning zone (Uesed for Popup, Floating bar, Fullscreen, Slide-in, Gamified)

    • If you want to display templates of the type "Inline", you should create a new zone (the zone that sets up your template display area on the website)

Select template type

For example: select a "Floating bar" template. You can select another template if you want

  • Blocks are supported in the template

  • Template setting

  • You can transfer the design interface to PC or Mobile

NOTE: You can see more: Media Template

Clicking "Apply" button to save template

7. Click on "Save Change" Button

8. Active Journey

  • Finally, go to the website set up to see the results

Floating Bar

Last updated