Media Template

  1. Log into the CDP system, after logging in click the menu in the left corner of the screen

  2. Select the menu as follows: MEDIA TEMPLATE -> Media template

3. After clicking on Media template, the UI is displayed as below

4. Select Blank Template to create a new template

After clicking on Blank Template, then it will show all types for users to choose

After selecting the type, the page design will be displayed as below


Click on an empty space outside the page design to set up the general configuration for the media template.

Settings includes 2 parts: Basic and Advanced, Corresponding to each type, there will be different settings


Click the Home button to open the Block panel

Block then 2 types:

Standard: Includes the available blocks of the system. Users can drag and drop into the page design to design media according to their needs (Columns,Text, Image, Button, Optin Fields, Yes/No, Countdown, Video, Coupon Wheel, Spacer, Divider, Icons, HTML)

Saved Blocks: Includes user-created and saved blocks.


Dragging and dropping the COLUMN icon from the block list to the page design will display the interface as shown below.

By default, it will display a 1-column type and display the Setting panel.

  1. Click to drag and drop to change the position of the column

  2. Clicking will display the Settings panel

3. Clicking will duplicate the column and all the contents inside the column. The duplicate column will display below the original column.

4. Clicking will remove the column.

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Drag and drop the TEXT icon from the block list into the column to display the interface as shown below.

Default Text: Your Special Bonus Offer // Has Been Unlocked!

There are some actions you could do with the Text block, to do so, hover to the block and choose the action you want.

1,2,4,5 same function as Column

3. Click to save the block. Clicking will display a pop up Save block as shown below if the block has not been saved before.

If the block has been saved, a pop up will appear as shown below

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Drag in the IMAGE icon from the block list to the column to display the Image Selection Popup

Select "Use" to display the image on page design or icon "Remove" to remove the image from the gallery

Select Image from computer: Used to upload images from the client's computer.

After selecting "Use", show image on page design

When hover, display options similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging in the BUTTON icon from the block list into the column will display the interface as shown below.

When hover, display options similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the OPTIN FIELDS icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hover in the newly added block will display the actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced

Note: each page has only 1 optin field


Dragging the YES/NO icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the COUNTDOWN icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the VIDEO icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the COUPON WHEEL icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced

Note: only fullscreen and gamified type have block coupon wheel


Dragging the SPACER icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the DIVIDER icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the ICONS icon from the block list to the column will display the Icon Selection pop up as shown below.

Clicking on an icon will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced


Dragging the HTML icon from the block list to the column will display the interface as shown below.

Hovering over the newly added block will display actions as shown below similar to Text

Similar to setting, each block has content and advanced

Last updated