How to send mail from email upload?

When you have a data set of customers' emails as files and you want to send them emails for some purpose, for example: advertising, sending promotional codes,... Please follow this instructions:

First, you have to create an attribute containing the customer email data, which you want to upload.

2. Select the menu as follows: "DATA HUB" >> "Business Objects"

3. Select the object: "Customer"/"Visitor"

5. Select type "Custom Attributes"

6. Enter the information to create attributes . Note that the Datatype that must be selected is String.

7. Click "Save"

2. Select the menu as follows: Personas >> Customers / Visitors

4. Select Local

5. Select “Browse”, then select the file containing the desired Email data set. Only .csv, .xls, .xlxs files are supported

6. Select Import type "Update Only"

7. Mapping the existing Attributes in the “Customer” Object with the columns in the uploaded file.

8. Click Save

2. Select menu as follows: Marketing hub >> Destinations

4. Set up information to create destination. User can choose the corresponding mailing service in "Destination Catalog". In this example, we choose G Suite Email. Note: choose "Method" as "Send"

Select Attribute "Email" in list attribute of "Customer Object" => Then click "Insert"

6. Click Save

  1. Select menu as follows: Marketing hub >> Customer Journeys

4. Select the account you want to create Journeys on.

5. Set up the necessary information for Journey. Note: it is necessary to select the set of segments corresponding to the Email data set that has just been uploaded in II (Details about segments can be found in the description of the segment).

6. Add “G Suite Email”

7. Choose the correct destination that the user has set up to send mail in Journey settings to send mail to customers

8. Save changes. By default, the newly created Journey's status is "In design"

9. Select Activate. Journey's status will change from "In design" to "Active".


1. Description of fields when creating Attribute



This field indicates which Business Object attribute is being created in. By default, Business Object selected in step 3 will be displayed (not edited)

Group attribute

Group to which this "Email" attribute will be assigned. Clicking will open a list of existing groups belonging to Business Object

Attribute type

Help the user know what type of attribute is creating/editing (not edited). Default value will be “Custom””

Attribute name

Name of attribute. For example: “Email”

Attribute internal code

Attribute internal code will be automatically generated after the user enters the Attribute name and can be clicked by the user to change the internal code. For example: If the above name is "Email", then below the Attribute internal code will be "email".


Description of attribute

Data type

The data type of attribute.Custom Attribute supports 7 types of data types including: number, string, text, datetime, boolean, object, array Example: For "Email" we will choose the data type as "String"

Display Format

For each selected Data type above, there will be a display as set corresponding to that data type. Example: For attribute “Email” will choose “Raw String”

Is Required

Mark this attribute as required for the "Business Object" under consideration. By default, this checkbox is unchecked

Auto suggestion

This field is only enabled when the data type of the attribute is string. For other data types that are not supported, this option will be disabled. By default, this checkbox is unchecked

Enable Data Encryption

Mark the data encoding for this attribute. By default, this checkbox is unchecked

Is Identity Attribute

If checked, the generated attribute will be marked with an identifier. Fields that are considered Identity are fields that can contain information such as: phone, email, device ID, ... Only "Business Object" is Customer and Visitor when creating Custom Attribute, there is a checkbox "Is Identity". By default, this checkbox is unchecked

2. Download data example

3. Description of fields when creating a Destination - G Suite Email


Destination Name

Destination names are supported with multi-lang. By default, the language icon will display according to the language configured in Portal setting - Portal language setting, and this value is considered the default value.


Description of destination, with multi-lang support

Destination Catalog

Channel Email has catalogs like: Amazon SES, Onesignal Email, G Suite Email… → in this example we choose the catalog as G Suite Email


Catalogs belonging to App Push, Web Push channels, the default method will be Push. Catalogs belonging to Email, Webhook, and Conversation channels, the default method will be Send. In this example, we will choose Send.


Personalization Attribute: List of attributes belonging to the selected Personalization type. In this example we choose “Email”

From Email Name

Sender name


Sender email


Sender email password

Ignore duplicate messages for the scheduled journey

Limit allocation frequency to 1 address in 1 scheduled iteration of a journey

Limit frequency for the journey (3 months duration)

Limit allocation frequency to 1 address in 1 journey

Limit frequency for destination

Limit allocation frequency to 1 address per unit of time (hour, day, ...)

Last updated